VIRGINIA PLAN James Madison Plan: 3 branches of government 2 houses of congress (bicameral) (House & Senate) Representation in both houses determined by population of the state Liked by larger states, not liked by smaller states
NEW JERSEY PLAN William Paterson Plan: One house legislature (unicameral) One vote in congress per state Liked by small states, not liked by larger states
GREAT COMPROMISE Roger Sherman Plan: Three branches of government Two house legislature (bicameral) Representation in House of Representatives based on state’s population Each state has two Senators in Senate House of Reps. Controls money bills
3/5s PLAN James Wilson Plan: Should slaves be counted with the population? Slaves counted as 3/5s of a person when counting the population (census) Slave states want to count slaves, non slave states don’t want slaves counted
Slave Trade Slave trade can be regulated but not ended No decisions on slavery will be made until 1808 They hoped it would just “go away or be forgotten”
ELECTORAL COLLEGE Roger Sherman & Elbridge Gerry Plan: process to elect the president A group of electors select the president instead of the voting public State legislatures determine how their electors will be chosen Add # of reps. + # senators to determine # of electors Some delegates believed that regular citizens were too ignorant and easily misled to vote for a president Common citizens are not going to like it