DOMOTICA MAY MONTH Sander Claassen John Heesterbeek Ad van Berlo Marco van Nieuwenhoven Hans Willemen MADspace community 1 1
Program * Avond 1 - 2 mei Domoticz @ RasbperryPi * Avond 2 - 9 mei Sensors & actuators * Avond 3 - 16 mei Domotics bus-systems * Avond 4 - 23 mei Blocky & node red * Avond 5 - 30 mei SDR/ LoRa / KNX / OpenHab / Strut your stuff 2 2 2
Workshop 1. Introduction SDR 2. The basic requirements 3. Getting started 3. Use case examples 4. The end-less possibilities 5. And more... 3 3 3
What is a Software Defined Radio? What is a Software Defined Radio (SDR)? Digital radio receiver (since 1970) Operation defined in software (tuning / modulation / decoding etc.) Must-have tool for hackers; tab into wireless signals Radio-waves are presented: - Audible - Graphically - Digital (via plugins) RTL-SDR (RTL2832U) and software defined radio news and projects. Also featuring Airspy, HackRF, FCD, SDRplay and more. 4 4 4
Required hardware What hardware is required? Required hardware: Pc/ laptop / Raspberry PI, or (Android) phone with OTG USB Antenna (custom antenna is required sometimes) RTL-SDR (RTL2832U Chip), Airspy, HackRF, FCD, or SDRplay SDR price range: 5 - 300 euros depending on noise ratio, frequency, Rx/ Tx features (but basically any USB DAB/ DVB-T tuner works) RTL-SDR (RTL2832U) and software defined radio news and projects. Also featuring Airspy, HackRF, FCD, SDRplay and more. Look for: Homemade Quadrifilar Helix Antenna to caputure satilites 5 5 5
Required software What software is required? SDR software: CubicSDR (Windows / Mac) or GQRX (Linux / Mac) Virtual audio pipe: VB-cable Virtual Audio Device Decoding software Audacity (freeware audio tool) WXtoImg (weather satellites) GNU radio (advanced development tool via github) 6 (free or open software listed only) 6 6
SDR software – gettings started Install required drivers for your device, and configure device settings: Apply the (magic) “Device string” for your device, and keep other parameters as is. Also note that this might differ per tool... 7 7 7
SDR software – getting started Your main frequency Your frequency spectrum The interface Your Frequency Some 433,92Mhz devices ;) 8 8 8
SDR software – getting started Your focus frequency Your frequency offset The interface Your settings to play with.. Record/ Play.. Your Frequency 9 9 9
SDR software – getting started Fast Fourier transform settings for graphical representation The interface Your Frequency 10 10 10
SDR examples Weather satellite using Homemade Quadrifilar Helix Antenna satellite tracking SDRsharp 11 11 11
SDR examples A 433MHz doorbell hacked! Export audio to Audacity (Freeware) Then ‘read’ / ‘modify’ Manchester data Now connect 1-dollar 433MHz transmitter to a soundcard, to hijack your neighbour's doorbell ;) 12 12 12
SDR examples Advanced tooling for further encrypted signal decoding: GNU radio / Python plugins: 13 13 13
Workshop 14 14 14
Program * Avond 1 - 2 mei Domoticz @ RasbperryPi * Avond 2 - 9 mei Sensors & actuators * Avond 3 - 16 mei Domotics bus-systems * Avond 4 - 23 mei Blocky & node red * Avond 5 - 30 mei SDR/ LoRa / KNX / OpenHab / Strut your stuff 15 15 15