10/15 & 10/16 - 7th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Cells Collect: HW Reading Guide Chap 2 Section 4 & 2 Cow Eye Dissection Passback Graded HW & Test & Grade printout Class Reading p.80-84 HW: Reading & Note Taking : p. 54 – 55 HW: Signed Grade Printout
Reflection Describe what the world might look like if you were able to see both infrared and ultraviolet wave lengths.
The basic unit of structure and function in living things is called C_____ ells
croscope The invention of the mi_______ made it possible for people to discover and learn about cells
Drawing of dead cork cells by Hooke In 1663 Robert Hooke observed the structure of thin slice of c____ using com________ microscope ork pound Drawing of dead cork cells by Hooke
Microscopes rge arp Resolution: How sh______ an image can appear Magnification: How la______ an image can appear. Resolution: How sh______ an image can appear rge arp
Which image has higher resolution? B
Which image has higher magnification? B
What is the total magnification of the microscope? 10X 20X 10 X 20 = 200
What is the total magnification of the microscope? 10X 15X 10 X 15 = 150
Grain of Pollen Scanning Electron Microscope Optical Microscope
More Electron Microscope Images
Head of a Mosquito 1000 X 200 X
Guess what this is? Toilet Paper Magnified 500X
Real pictures of silicon atoms What was the magnifications? 1,000,000 X
Cell Theory: All l______ things are composed of cells iving
Cell Theory: Cells are the basic unit of str______ and f________ in living things ucture unction
Cell Theory: All cells are pr_______ from other cells oduced
Stereo Microscope Lab Draw and describe the following items that you see through the Steromicrosope 1. Magazine Clipping 2. Penny 3. Item of your Choice