Majors Level- Reflections on Module Development Version: MM DD, YYYY
Majors Level- Reflections on Module Development Communication is critical Need to establish regular schedule of communication in whatever format works for partners Figure out how to work with partner’s personality/work habits Establish a realistic schedule The schedule should take into account your other commitments as well as your dependence on external factors (e.g. finding and establishing data sets) The schedule need not be regular, but it needs to be followed Remember to consider what other topics/approaches will be used within the course to ensure continuity Consider sequencing of topics and skills that will be developed over the semester/quarter Ask whether the module must be completed in a single project or whether it might be better integrated within other subjects/ techniques
Majors Level- Reflections on Module Development (cont.) Consider the time needed to achieve quality effort by the students time needs to be factored into what can be accomplished if students are both creating data plots and interpreting them Be realistic about the actual ability of upper level students fundamental research skills most likely are minimally developed Assessment rubrics need to contain sufficient details to provide guidance to the students Holistic: set of descriptions used to assign a score to the whole Analytic: Set of components that are independently evaluated (sum for score)