Today we’re going to chat about stress Hopefully you as a teacher aren’t feeling like this today! 1
Stress Can be good or bad. Stress- is a physical, mental, or emotional response to events that causes bodily or mental tension. Can be good or bad.
1. Good vs Bad? Good Stress is called eustress. Stress that is not so good for you is called distress. In this discussion answers might include it makes you work harder, feel proud about what you’ve accomplished and so on . Feel free to write on the slide using the smartboard 3
2. Stress What causes stress? How do YOU react to stress? -Write down what we brainstorm How do YOU react to stress? Physical – Fight or flight Emotional Psychological Have students discuss with one or two people then have them share their best idea and write it on the smartboard 4
3. Ways to Reduce Stress Improving Relationships Organization Lifestyle Changes
4. Four Key Ways to help with stress: Diet Exercise Relaxation Attitude
5. Two Techniques Deep Breathing Visual Imagery
“Personality Test” Take the “Personality Test”
6. Personality Types: Type A Competitive Over achiever Things done on time
Type B Laid back Flexible Analytical
Type C Detail oriented Not assertive Suppress wants, needs and desires
Type D Negative outlook on life Fear of rejection Prone to depression