St. Andrews School A tour of St. Andrews
This is the Nursery This is the Nursery and it is behind Walmsley House. Children start in Nursery at 3 and a half.
This is Walmsley House. At Walmsley House boys can leave when they are 9 or under. In Walmsley House there is a place called Aftercare. Aftercare is a place when your parents are not here to collect their children.
This is Oakfield House. In Oakfield House you will find Years 5 and 6. Oakfield House also has a new ICT room and a hall for lunch. The hall that we use for lunch is also used for assemblies.
The playground is for: lunch Play P.E The playground is also used for Netball.
The Main School was opened in There are many classrooms and offices in the Main School. The Headteachers office is on the right.
The Bell Wing was built in 1977 and was named after one of the head teachers. To the left of the old part of the school is the Bell Wing. It contains the science labs, history and food technology.
The blue hall (also called the wooden hall) was the original school hall. Everyone uses it for P.E.
On the bottom floor there is the library. On the top floor there are two English classrooms.
The New Hall is in front of Rushworth house. This hall is used for assemblies, shows and senior school dinners.
The Music House is at the back of the old building. There are groups and individual music lessons.
The Main school is now only the Senior part of the school. The Senior school is divided into different departments.
Technology House The Technology house has three floors: 1 st floor is Design Technology, 2 nd floor is Art, 3 rd floor is Textiles.