Micro-events in the Solar Corona (active+quiet) Arnold O. Benz Paolo Grigis Institute of Astronomy, Radio Astronomy and Plasma Physics Group Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich
Spectral and spatial properties of solar microflares Simnett, G. M.; Dennis, B. R. In its 19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Vol. 4 p 38-41 (SEE N85-34729 23-92) 08/1985 Solar Physics Solar microflares are studied using both hard ( 28 keV) and soft (3.5 to 8.0 keV) X-ray observations. The soft X-ray events have durations 3 m at 0.1x maximum intensity, and typically have similar rise and decay times. The fastest decay observed was 15 s (1/e). Soft and hard X-ray intensities are uncorrelated. The events are very compact, consistent with a projected area approximately 8 x 8 inches.
Spectral and spatial properties of solar microflares Simnett, G. M.; Dennis, B. R. In its 19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Vol. 4 p 38-41 (SEE N85-34729 23-92) 08/1985 Solar Physics Solar microflares are studied using both hard ( 28 keV) and soft (3.5 to 8.0 keV) X-ray observations. The soft X-ray events have durations 3 m at 0.1x maximum intensity, and typically have similar rise and decay times. The fastest decay observed was 15 s (1/e). Soft and hard X-ray intensities are uncorrelated. The events are very compact, consistent with a projected area approximately 8 x 8 inches.
A B active region GOES 1.6-12.4 keV RHESSI 3 -15 keV 2 May 2002 Benz & Grigis, 2002
active region RHESSI, 2 May 2002 Benz & Grigis, 2002
active region Event A RHESSI, 2 May 2002 Benz & Grigis, 2002
stellar flare => dMe, dKe and RS CVn stars => gradual flares => impulsive flares => microflares, active region => nanoflares, quiet region => Benz + Güdel, 1996 Krucker + Benz, 2000
3 – 9 keV, 60 minutes RHESSI magnetogram MDI/SOHO