State of Texas Assessments Of Academic Readiness STAAR State of Texas Assessments Of Academic Readiness
Genres Assessed Fiction Literary Nonfiction Poetry Drama Informational Fiction Literary Nonfiction Poetry Drama Media Literacy Expository Persuasive Procedural Media Literacy
Understanding and Analysis Across Genres Students demonstrate the ability to understand and analyze a variety of written text Reading Vocabulary Development Reading Comprehension of Literary Text/ Theme and Genre Reading Comprehension of Informational Text Expository Reading Comprehension Skills
Vocabulary Development Determine the meaning of grade-level technical academic English words in multiple content areas as derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots Analyze textual context and distinguish between denotative and connotative meanings Describe the origins and meanings of foreign words or phrases frequent in English Use a dictionary, glossary, or thesaurus to determine or confirm the meaning of words or phrases
Theme and Genre Informational Texts Comprehension Skills Analyze how the genre of texts with similar themes shape meaning Informational Texts Synthesize and make logical connections between ideas and details in several texts Comprehension Skills Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding
Understanding and Analysis of Literary Texts Reading - Theme and Genre – analyze the influence of mythic, classical, and traditional literature on contemporary literature Reading – Poetry - effects of diction and imagery – other figurative language Reading – Drama - dramatic conventions Reading - Fiction - liner and non-liner plot development, character development, POV Reading – Sensory Language - the role of irony, sarcasm, and paradox Reading – Media Literacy - The effect of images, graphics, visual and nonvisual Reading – Comprehension Skills - inference
Understanding and Analysis of Informational Text Reading culture and history - The controlling idea and the author’s purpose Expository text- the difference between a summary and a critique – opinion v. fact – drawing conclusions Persuasive text - analyze the relevance, quality, and credibility of evidence – rhetorical structure and devices Procedural text – clarity of process and data presented Comprehension skills - inferences
Writing Composition Students will demonstrate an ability to compose a variety of written text with a clear, controlling idea, coherent organization, sufficient development, and effective use of conventions. Writing Process – structure ideas in a sustained and persuasive way – revise and edit Writing Literary text – write and engaging story with well developed conflict and characters Writing expository and procedural text - essay of sufficient length – effective intro and conclusion – use of rhetorical devices – controlling idea or thesis – structured to support purpose – relevant and valid
Writing Revision & Editing Students will demonstrate the ability to revise and edit a variety of written text Oral and written conventions Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation Spelling Think DOL