WTHS 2012-13 Student Achievement Data and Analysis Mr. Dennis H. Best - Principal
Presentation agenda Overviews of the following data sets Keystone Examinations – Winter and Spring Waves SAT ACT ADVANCED PLACEMENT
GRADE 11 - ALGEBRA I – WINTER WAVE 86.6% of 1st time testers scored at either the advanced or proficient levels. Appropriate analysis of these results is not possible without value-added data (PVAAS).
Grade 11 – Biology – Winter Wave Curricular changes have been made to better prepare CSD students for the Biology Keystone examination. Appropriate analysis of these results is not possible without value-added data (PVAAS).
Grade 11 – Literature – winter wave 74 % of 1st time testers scored at either the advanced or proficient levels. Appropriate analysis of these results is not possible without value-added data (PVAAS).
algebra 1 – Spring wave – all testers Overall, 43.3 % of 1st time testers scored at either the advanced or proficient levels. Appropriate analysis of these results is not possible without value-added data (PVAAS).
Algebra I – Spring wave – GRADE 9 43.4 % of WTHS 9th grade students scored at either the advanced or proficient levels. 35.3 % of 9th grade students scored at either the advanced or proficient levels across the state.
ALGEBRA 1 – SPRING WAVE – GRADE 10 52.9 % of WTHS 10th grade students scored at either the advanced or proficient levels. 27.5 % of 10th grade students scored at either the advanced or proficient levels across the state .
ALGEBRA 1 – SPRING WAVE – GRADE 11 Performance levels of WTHS 11th grade students was similar to that of 11th grade students across the state.
Algebra I – spring wave – Historically Underperforming students 29.3% of Historically Underperforming WTHS students scored at either the advanced or proficient levels. 22.6% of Historically Underperforming students across the state scored at either the advanced or proficient levels.
Biology – spring wave – all testers 64.9 % of WTHS 1st time testers scored at either the advanced or proficient levels. Appropriate analysis of these results is not possible without value-added data (PVAAS).
Biology – Spring Wave – GRADE 9 93.4 % of WTHS 9th grade students scored at either the advanced or proficient levels. 57.4 % of 9th grade students scored at either the advanced or proficient levels across the state.
Biology – Spring Wave – GRADE 10 59.4 % of WTHS 10th grade students scored at either the advanced or proficient levels. 40.4 % of 10th grade students scored at either the advanced or proficient levels across the state.
Biology – Spring Wave – GRADE 11 Performance levels of WTHS 11th grade students was similar to that of 11th grade students across the state.
Biology – spring wave – Historically Underperforming students 36% of Historically Underperforming WTHS students scored at either the advanced or proficient levels. 21.5% of Historically Underperforming students across the state scored at either the advanced or proficient levels.
Literature – Spring wave – all testers Overall, 69.5 % of 1st time testers scored at either the advanced or proficient levels. Appropriate analysis of these results is not possible without value-added data (PVAAS).
Literature – Spring Wave – GRADE 10 69.7 % of WTHS 10th grade students scored at either the advanced or proficient levels. 62.9 % of 10th grade students scored at either the advanced or proficient levels across the state.
Literature – Spring Wave – GRADE 11
Literature – spring wave – Historically Underperforming students 41.9% of Historically Underperforming WTHS students scored at either the advanced or proficient levels. 35.3% of Historically Underperforming students across the state scored at either the advanced or proficient levels.
Summary of Keystone Data What do these scores tell you about the students’ achievement and growth? In the absence of value-added (PVAAS) data it is very difficult to draw conclusions. To what do you attribute the areas of strengths and needs represented by these data? Teachers are effectively implementing the curriculum and many students are able to access the curriculum. How will you ensure that the areas of strength are maintained and areas of need are addressed/remedied? Analyzing multiple measures of student data (demographics, achievement, perception, and school process) to drive decision-making.
What is the difference between the ACT and SAT? The ACT is an achievement test, measuring what a student has learned in school. The SAT is more of an aptitude test, testing reasoning and verbal abilities. The ACT has up to 5 components: English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and an optional Writing Test. The SAT has only 3 components: Critical Reasoning, Mathematics, and a required Writing Test. The SAT has a correction for guessing. That is, they take off for wrong answers. The ACT is scored based on the number of correct answers with no penalty for guessing. The ACT has an Interest Inventory that allows students to evaluate their interests in various career options. http://www.actstudent.org/faq/actsat.html
Sat overall Mean scores (class of 2013) The PSAT was administered to nearly all WTHS 10th grade students this fall.
Act (Class of 2013)
Advanced Placement (AP) Testing Participation Group AP Students AP Exams Administered WTHS 231 370 State 61,172 105,206 Global 2,221,200 3,944,774
Advanced placement score summary “Success” on an AP exam is defined as an exam score of 3 or higher, which represents the score point that research finds predictive of college success and college graduation (CollegeBoard, 2013).