Would you rather – PowerPoint ELG This resource can be used during carpet sessions to prompt and develop speaking skills within the classroom targeted towards the early learning goals . www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Teachers notes: Would you rather… To create a debate in your classroom ask these rather strange and wacky questions. Remember to prompt the children as you go and don’t be afraid to flip the question back at them, there is no right or wrong answer! www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Would you rather be King or Queen for the day or a super hero forever? www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Would you rather be trapped in a cage full of snakes or a cage full of spiders? www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Would you rather have all the friends in the world or all the money in the world? www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Would you rather be tickled by a spider or licked by a lion? www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Would you rather see in the dark or walk through walls? www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Would you rather be rich for the day or happy for a week? www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Would you rather have three arms or three legs? www.earlybirdyeducation.com