800.270.1898 or Your First STOP for Rural Health INFORMATION Visit the website Online library Funding opportunities 50+ topic guides on key rural health issues State guides Toolkits and model programs Chart gallery and data explorer with county-level data Am I Rural tool More… Sign up for email updates and custom alerts Contact our Resource and Referral Service 800.270.1898 or All services are free! The Rural Health Information Hub, or RHIhub, is a federally-funded information center that supports healthcare and population health in rural communities. All RHIhub’s services are offered free of charge RHIhub's website - available at: - provides access to current and reliable resources and tools to help you learn about rural health needs and work to address them. Online library – contains thousands of publications, maps, news articles, and funding opportunities available from organizations and agencies across the country Topic and state guides – Bring together in-depth information on rural health topics and each state Evidence-based toolkits and Models and Innovations highlight what works in rural health Data Visualizations including a chart gallery with maps and charts at the state and national levels as well as a data explorer with county-level data Tools for Success – includes tools such as Am I Rural? and the Economic Impact Analysis tool You can sign up on the website to receive the RHIhub’s regular email updates or to receive daily or weekly custom alerts on the topics/locations relevant to you If you need help finding information or experts, call or email the Resource and Referral Service. RHIhub’s information specialists will provide FREE assistance customized to your needs. RHIhub is funded by HRSA’s Office of Rural Health Policy and operated by the Center for Rural Health at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences.