GOLDEN EAGLE "Love one another" 2nd February, 2018


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Presentation transcript:

GOLDEN EAGLE "Love one another" 2nd February, 2018 Diary Reminders Monday, 5th February Nursery Parent meeting 9.30am (for September intake) Tuesday, 6th February Nursery Playground Project Meeting 9.00am Friday, 9th February Break-up for Half Term Year 2 and The Great Fire of London This week in Year 2 we recreated the events of the Great Fire of London in the playground. All the houses were put very close together as it would have been in 1666 and then we lit the fire and watched as the flames spread! Everyone was amazed at how quickly the flames jumped from house to house! By Lexie W Uniform Sale Second hand uniform sale next Wednesday 7th Feb @ 8.30 in the lower Hall. Mrs Buckley’s Top Table Mimi Y1S Sophie S Y1S Ella S Y2O Lola Y2O Theo Y2R Spencer Y2R Elliot Y3H Teddy Y3H Oscar Y6S Anwar Y6S Early Bird Winners – Well done Y1P Well done to Year 1P for winning Mrs Baxter’s Early Bird competition. They will be having ‘Afternoon Tea’ with Ms Wightwick next week. Wraparound Care Update Please look out for the information sent today via email in regards to the schools new wraparound care provisions starting when we return after the half term. Please ensure you return your registration forms to the main school office by Friday 9th February. If you have any questions, please ask the school office of send you query to: SPECIAL MENTION A special mention to four pupils in Y4C who raised £29.20 for the school by making stress-balls. Well done and a HUGE thank you to Grace, Audrey, Chen and Zephany.

Save £££’s on Little Voices Half Term Camp "Love one another" There was a total of 43 lates this week. Punctuality is still a problem. Children should be seated and learning at 8.55am NOT arriving at school at this time. They are missing valuable learning time. Attendance average is 95.6% . Year 4 Bake Sale Thank you for supporting our bake sale last week Friday. The total income was £146 – Well done! We would also like to thank the Year 4 parents for providing the baked goods and those that help on the day. The proceeds of the bake sales held over the school year (one bake sale per year group), are donated to the school for the author visits during Book Week each year. Without which, the school would struggle to find the funds for such an exciting event the pupils look forward to. Thank you for your continued support. PTFA Meeting Minutes The minutes of the PTFA Spring Term Meeting have been sent out with this copy of the newsletter. You will also find a copy of the minutes on the school website. Save £££’s on Little Voices Half Term Camp This February half term, Little Voices will be running an ‘The Sound Of Music’ inspired performing arts week for boys and girls aged 4 – 13 Years.   Children will be transported through a wondrous four day week of singing, dancing & acting.  12th – 15th February St Etheldreda Church, Fulham Palace Road, SW6 6JF 9.30am – 3.30pm each day £180 Four Day Bulk Booking (£10 OFF Bookings made before: Monday 5th February) Email: or Call: 07823384992 to book. Learn an entire script in 4 days Be part of a show Meet lots of new people and make lots of new friends Gain confidence Includes FREE inclusive DVD of the performance and final day! Dates for your diary: 9th March: Year 3 bake sale 6th February: Nursery Playground Project Meeting 9am 23rd March: Quiz night & Promise Auction Doors open 7.30pm. Quiz begins 8pm 28th March: Pupil discos Foundation stage: during school hours Y1 & Y2: 3.30pm – 4.00pm Y3 & Y4: 4.15pm – 5.00pm Y5 & Y6: 5.30pm – 6.30pm 7th July: Summer fair

"Love one another" Blue Tie Awards Y1P Charlie A For his enthusiasm towards our afternoon Topic and R.E lessons. Y1S Lily B For always being so willing to help around the classroom and the improvement in her independent writing. Y2O Archie M For being really enthusiastic and sharing his explanations and reasoning during our topic lessons. Y2R Albert P For independently producing a fab fire engine in DT this week and for also showing kindness by helping his peers with their fire engines!  Y3H Albie T For his excellent work when writing a very informative, detailed and well-written explanation text about volcanoes.  Well done Albie! Y3L Dasha H For her outstanding effort in writing. As a result, Dasha has made huge improvements in the quality of her extended writes since the beginning of the year. Well done Dasha!  Y4C Ella R For extraordinary effort to improve her learning in all the subjects with special perseverance in Fractions in Maths and play script writing in English.  Y4R Frankie H For a big improvement in his independent writing skills and for persevering with tricky fraction work in maths. Y5M Jamel B For continued hard work across subjects and much improved participation in class discussions. Y5P Emily D For her perseverance with maths Y6S Kobe Q For displaying a resolute and mature attitude to recent tests, identifying his errors and endeavouring to fix them for next time.​ Y6W Molly P For her selfless attitude and lovely manner. There was a total of 43 lates this week. Punctuality is still a problem. Children should be seated and learning at 8.55am NOT arriving at school at this time. They are missing valuable learning time. Attendance average is 95.6% . ATTENDANCE – Each class has a target of 96%. Our Average this week is 95.6% Class % Attendance Lates NN 89.9 2 RC 97.0 RP 96.3 1 Y1P 96.4 Y1S 97.7 3 Y2O 99.3 6 Y2R 94.8 Y3H 95.2 Y3L 97.5 4 Y4C 95.6 Y4R 5 Y5M 98.6 Y5P 86.4 Y6S 95.4 Y6W 97.8