National Curriculum End of Key Stage 1 Expectations Information Evening for Year 2 Parents April 2018
Aims of the current National Curriculum The current curriculum has been designed to develop deeper, more consistent understanding of the basics. There are no levels. Children are expected to cover content set out for each year group, broadly at the same pace, some in greater depth. Interventions are put in place to support children in areas that prove challenging, to prevent any falling behind.
English Assessment frameworks for English cover reading and writing. Reading is taught through a “phonics first” approach, assessed formally in Year 1 in the Phonics Screening Check and in Year 2 by two reading comprehension tests. It is expected that children have already mastered the mechanics of decoding text when they enter Year 2. There is emphasis on grammar, spelling, punctuation and handwriting in writing, although “pupil can” statements in these areas have been made “less prescriptive” this year, with greater emphasis on composition.
Mathematics The maths curriculum covers these main areas: the number system up to and beyond 100, including fractions; computation using the four rules, with understanding of relationships between them and a considerable knowledge of number facts “by heart”, eg bonds to 10 and compliments to multiples of 10, doubles and halves, multiplication and division facts; 2D and 3D shape knowledge; measuring skills including scale reading and calculations in a range of units, eg problems concerning length in cm, m or km; money, using £ and p notation, recognising, counting and calculating with mixed notes and coins; data handling with tallies, pictograms and charts reasoning skills to apply knowledge to problems, carry out investigations and solve puzzles.
End of Year Tests – May 2018 At the end of Year 2, all children will sit the National Curriculum Tests for Key Stage 1. These will be for the subjects: Maths – Arithmetic Test and Reasoning Test English – Two Reading Tests Optional tests for Spelling and for Punctuation and Grammar Tests will be marked in school. Mrs Walsh and Mrs Watkins will work together to apply the mark scheme.
Testing Arrangements Tests will take place during May as planned by Mrs Walsh and Mrs Watkins to best meet the children’s needs The setting will be informal. The children will be tested in small groups, within normal routines as far as possible.
Interim End of Year Expectations Year 2 assessment is based on teacher judgement of pupils’ work, additionally informed by test results. Children will be assessed against three standards: Working towards the expected standard Working at the expected standard Working at greater depth within the expected standard. Essentially we are required to apply a “perfect fit” model, though this year the assessment framework for writing allows teachers some discretion where a particular weakness, eg handwriting, does not result in an inaccurate assessment.
English Reading: Read accurately phonetically decodable words; words containing common suffixes and most common exception words Articulate and justify answers and opinions; listen and respond to opinions of others Reading age appropriate texts with fluency and expression Discuss words and meanings Check that what has been read makes sense and self correct reading where necessary Make predictions about what might happen next Answer questions about the text, including inference
English Writing - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling : Write longer sentences using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions Use full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and commas in lists Use apostrophes for omission (can’t) and possession (the boy’s jumper) Use present and past tenses correctly Form letters correctly with correct, proportionate size and spacing. (Use diagonal and horizontal joins between letters in some writing for “greater depth” standard.) Write capital letters and digits of correct size and orientation Spell longer words by breaking them into phonemes. Spell many common exception words.
Maths During Key Stage 1, there is a big focus on developing basic number skills by: Securing a good understanding of place value and recognising and knowing by heart the number bonds to 20 Adding and subtracting numbers mentally and using objects including two digit numbers (counting aids/apparatus are not allowed in the SAT, other than rulers and mirrors) Learning the multiplication and division facts for the 2x, 5x and 10x tables As fraction work now includes calculating halves, quarters and thirds of quantities, knowledge of 3x and 4x tables is also desirable Solving problems including + - x and ÷ symbols.
Reporting to Parents You will receive teacher assessment outcomes with your child’s end of year report in July.
What the tests will look like... There is a link on the website to previous test papers for you to have a look at.
End of Year Tests – Maths This will include a short arithmetic test of 15 questions, and a second paper of broader mathematics which will last around 35 minutes. Arithmetic questions examples: 89 + 10 = …. + 5 = 9 87 − 40 = 8 x 10 = 2 x 0 = 35 ÷ 5 = ¼ of 20 =