CNC-CIGRE Study Committee Meeting October 19, 2008 Winnipeg CIGRÉ SC – A3 High-Voltage Equipment Hubert Mercure Hydro-Québec / IREQ
SC – A3 Mission of the Study Committee The mission of Study Committee A3 is to facilitate and promote the progress of engineering and the international exchange of information and knowledge in the field of high voltage equipment, and to add value to this information and knowledge by means of synthesizing state-of-the-art practices and developing recommendations.
SC – A3 Scope Responsible for the theory, design, construction, and application of high voltage equipment components, equipment, and equipment systems for both AC and DC systems Equipment: all devices for switching, interrupting, or limiting currents (CB, load/ disconnect/ earthing switches, FCL, etc.) independent of technology ( also includes surge arresters, capacitors, busbar and equipment insulators, instrument transformers, bushings, and all other high voltage equipment not specifically covered under another equipment study committee’s scopes ) Emphasis is on function and interaction of high voltage equipment
Study Committee Membership SC – A3 Study Committee Membership The SC currently consists of a Chairman (Mark Waldron, UK), a Secretary (E. Kynast, GE), 24 Regular Members and 11 Observer Members. The 24 countries represented by Regular Members ( Australia, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States ) The constituents of the SC come from Utilities, Manufacturers and Universities/Institutes.
SC – A3 Report on 8 active Working Groups WG A3.06 Reliability of HV equipment (worldwide utility survey) Membership (Convener: C.E. Sölver, SE) 25 members (1 corresponding) Canadian member (CM): William Bergman (PowerNex) Meetings April/March, 31-01, 2008 Lucerne, Switzerland October, 29-30, 2008 Seoul, Korea – Oct. 31st : 1 day tutorial Publication: CIGRE 2008, A3-109 “Influence of age one the reliability of HV equipment” WG plan for 2009: Electra report and TB
Report on Working Groups SC – A3 Report on Working Groups WG A3.15 Non Conventional Instrument Transformers Membership: (Convener: P. Tantin, Fr) Original WG: 17 members (2 corresponding) Canadian member: Farnoosh Rahmatian (NxtPhase) Draft Brochure (dated 1999) being revised by special task force Publication: target for TB, 2009
Report on Working Groups SC – A3 Report on Working Groups WG A3.17 Surge Arresters (MOSA energy duty) Membership (Convener: B. Richter, CH) 20 members (3 corresponding) Canadian member: Jack H. Sawada (Eng. Consulting Services) Meetings March 2008, Switzerland Joint C4/A3 in May 2008, Croatia (“Lighting protection of MV & LV networks”) August 2008, Paris Publication: CIGRE 2008, A3-309 (research project report) “Energy handling capacity of HV metal-oxide surge arresters”
Report on Working Groups SC – A3 Report on Working Groups WG A3.21 Application of Non-ceramic Insulators (Polymeric insulation for MV-HV-UHV apparatus) Membership (Convener: M. De Nigris, IT) 29 members (6 corresponding) Canadian member: Duc Hai Nguyen (IREQ) Meetings May 2008, Italy August 2008, Paris Publication: TB final draft being circulated for editing
Report on Working Groups SC – A3 Report on Working Groups WG A3.22 UHV Equipment (Technical requirements for equipment > 800kV) Membership (Convener: H. Ito, JP) 34 members (9 corresponding) Canadian member: David Peelo (D. Peelo & Associates) Yvon Filion (Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie) Meetings (2008) February, Germany / April and June, China / September, Paris Publication: CIGRE 2008, A3-211 ( recommendation to IEC TC17A ) “Technical Requirements for UHV substation equipment” Publication: TB & Electra paper submitted
Report on Working Groups SC – A3 Report on Working Groups WG A3.23 Application & feasibility of FCL in power systems (guidelines and selection of FCL) Just started Membership (Convener: H. Schmitt, DE) 30 nominated members (22 selected for approval) Canadian member (proposed): C. Edwards ( BPA) Meetings Kick off in Sept. 2008, Germany/ next, yet TBD Joint WG with D1 considered (Testing of FCL)
Report on Working Groups SC – A3 Report on Working Groups WG A3.24 Simulating internal arc & current withstand testing (Internal arc – Temperature rise behavior) Just starting Membership (Convener: M. Kriegel, CH) 21 members (9 corresponding) approved Canadian member: none Meetings August 2008, Paris / TBD (2009)
Report on Working Groups (new) SC – A3 Report on Working Groups (new) WG A3.XX Influence of shunt capacitor banks on circuit breaker fault interruption duties (Proposed by Canada) Membership (Convener: Anne Bosma, SE) TBD Canadian members (proposed): Yvon Filion (Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie) TBD (BC Hydro) Meetings TBD (possible joint interest with B3)
SC – A3 Group No: A3.XX Name of Convener: Anne Bosma Title: Influence of shunt capacitor banks on circuit breaker fault interruption duties. Terms of reference Background: Shunt capacitor banks are being applied worldwide in substations in ever increasing numbers. From the perspective of line circuit breakers during fault interruption, the banks represent a large source side capacitance and also a source of outrush currents, both of which may negatively influence the fault interrupting time. These circuit breaker application aspects are not addressed in the standards and are the subject of queries frequently raised by users. Scope: The scope of the proposed working group is to investigate the influence of both earthed and unearthed shunt capacitor banks on line breaker fault interruption and the effect of series reactors on fault interruption with capacitor switching circuit breakers… Deliverables and time schedule: Guidance to manufacturers and users alike on dealing with the issue of shunt capacitor bank influences on circuit breakers and recommendations for standardization to IEC SC17A/MT36 where applicable. Time schedule: start 2008 and publish technical brochure no later than 2012. Other SCs concerned by the work: B3 Approval by TC Chairman : Date :
Report on Advisory Groups SC – A3 Report on Advisory Groups AG A3.01 Strategic Planning (M. Waldron, UK) AG A3.02 Tutorials (D. Peelo, CA) David Peelo presented a list of past and planned tutorials at the 2008 Paris Session. Peelo will continue as the convener of the Tutorial AG for a couple more years A3 is probably the most active CIGRÉ SC when it comes to tutorials Meeting: Planned for 31st October 2008, the WG will arrange a one-day tutorial in Seoul, in connection with the Seoul International Electric Fair : “Reliability of HV equipment” (survey and intermediate results) Further tutorial planned in connection with the SCA3 meeting and Colloquium 2009 in Cape Town.
SC working group sponsor SC – A3 Tutorials (2008-2010) Title Presenter Time Location date SC working group sponsor Use and Application of Optical Instrument Transformers F. Rahmatian 8 hours Joint SC A3 and IEEE PES sponsored tutorial IEEE PES T&D Chicago, April 2008 Cigre WG A3.15 Reliability of HV Equipment C. Sölver TBD Seoul International Electric Fair, 28-31 October 2008 Cigre WG A3.06 Cigre Reg. Conf. & Joint A3/B3 Colloquium, SA, August 2009 Application of Surge Arresters in Distribution Systems B. Richter CIRED 2009 Prague, June 2009 MatPost, 2009 IEEE T&D Conf. & Expo., New Orleans, 2010
CIGRÉ 2010 Preferential Subjects (PS) (proposed for discussion) SC – A3 CIGRÉ 2010 Preferential Subjects (PS) (proposed for discussion) Development in HV equipment to cater for increasing system demands Lifetime management of HV equipment Prospects for commercial introduction of new technologies at high voltage Environmental impacts of high voltage equipment (overlap possible with C3 & D1)
SC Next Meeting ( Colloquium 2009 ) SC – A3 SC Next Meeting ( Colloquium 2009 ) SC A3 is invited on behalf of the South African National Committee in combination with the 2009 Regional Conference, in the area of Cape Town, SA, jointly with SC B3 Preliminary date: the week of August 17 – 21, 2009 ( Tutorials, Regional Meeting, Colloquium and SC meeting ) The 2009 ISH will take place the following week (August 24-31, 2009).
Type [1] Title [2] Name of Convener [3] Date “on”[4] Date “off”[5] AG A3.01 Strategic Planning M. Waldron (GB) 2002 A3.04 Tutorials D. Peelo (CA) 2001 WG A3.06 Reliability of High Voltage Equipment C. Sölver (SE) 2008 A3.15 Non Conventional Instrument Transformers P. Tantin (FR) 2004 2007 A3.17 Surge Arresters B. Richter (CH) 2003 A3.21 Application of non-ceramic insulators to HV and MV apparatus M. De Negris (IT) 2006 2009 A3.22 Technical requirements for substation equipment exceeding 800kV Hiroki Ito (JP) A3.23 Application and feasibility of fault current limiters in power systems H. Schmitt (DE) 2011 A3.24 Tools for Simulating Internal Arc and Current Withstand Testing M.Kriegel (DE) 2010 [1] Type : Working Group (WG), Task Force (TF), Advisory Group (AG), Co-operation Group (CG), Joint Working Group (JWG), Joint Task Force (JTF), … [2] Title : full title in English [3] Name : Initials NAME (2 letters for nationality) [4] Created : year of creation [5] Disbanded : scheduled year of disbanding