American Perception
Where Is The Love? Black-Eyed Peas Write Down: Lyrics that stand out to you. Artists’ Perception of Government and America in General Word Choice (Diction) that is strong, bold Tone You Perceive
Fortunate Son John Fogerty Write Down: Lyrics that stand out to you. Artists’ Perception of Government and America in General Word Choice (Diction) that is strong, bold Tone You Perceive
Days of America Blackhawk Write Down: Lyrics that stand out to you. Artists’ Perception Americans Word Choice (Diction) that is strong, bold Tone You Perceive
Group Questions How does each artist perceive America, Americans and the American Government ? Use lyrics to prove your point. Draw two columns and list the similarities and differences of the songs. These can include attitudes, themes, tone etc. What can cause differences in perception?