Regional poverty statistics – state of play Boyan GENEV Living Conditions and Social Protection, Eurostat F-3
Outline The Source for poverty statistics Existing indicators on regional poverty Next steps in the context of Europe 2020
1. The Source for poverty statistics (1) EU-SILC: Statistics on Income and Living Conditions Survey at national level, since 2003 obligatory for EU27, CH, IS, NO and TR monitored by Eurostat (coordination, guidelines, reports) Information on both households and individuals Income and tax Material deprivation Housing Employment Health, Education
1. The Source for poverty statistics (2) EU-SILC: Limitations in terms of regional statistics Sample design and sample size set at national level No agreement for indicators computations from: DE, FR, NL, PT, UK Figures from alternative sources (HBS, Microcensus, etc.) No regional information for some MS Precision requirements: 20 observations per breakdown and minimum response rate 50 % of the breakdown population
2. Existing indicators on regional poverty (1) AT-RISK-OF-POVERTY RATE after social transfers The percentage of persons with an equivalised disposable income below the ‘at-risk-of-poverty threshold’ The at-risk-of poverty threshold is set at 60% of the national median equivalised disposable income By NUTS1 or NUTS2
2. Existing indicators on regional poverty (2) Severe Material Deprivation Rate Share of population lacking at least 4 items out of 9 Among: expenses, holiday, arrears, meal, warm house, washing machine, colour TV, telephone, personal car By NUTS1 or NUTS2
3. Next steps in the context of Europe 2020 EU-Headline Target for combating poverty lifting 20 million people out of the risk of poverty or exclusion by 2020 Indicators to come at regional level: Share of people living in jobless households Share of people at-risk-of poverty or exclusion
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