Harmonization of Social Indicators


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Presentation transcript:

Harmonization of Social Indicators MEDSTAT III Harmonization of Social Indicators June 17-21, 2013 Barcelona-Espain

Questions to be answered according to Harmonization of Social Indicators Progress made in implementing the Common Social Indicators since 2011 . The gap between the metadata of the Common Social Indicators produced by PCBS and the international standards. Obstacles, difficulties, challenges that PCBS is facing to reach a full compatibility and comparability with International Standards

1. Progress in implementing the Common Social Indicators . A comparison with the current list of the Medstat III Regional Harmonised Social Indicators (RHSI) revealed that the following indicators are presently not included in the PCBS list (Recommendation at mission from Medstat to PCBS at September 2011): Healthy Life Expectancy (HALE) Peri-natal mortality Early School Leavers Life-long learning (TVET) Secure tenure Legal minimum wage Real Manufacturing wage index Proportion of employees earning less than 50% of median wage TVET indicators Absolute & relative Poverty lines (but a combination is produced)

1.CONT:Progress in implementing the Common Social Indicators . Indicators were achieved and produced in beginning of 2013 Legal minimum wage Proportion/Number of employees earning less than legal minimum wage Average wage of the employees earning less than legal minimum wage Why: The Cabinet approved the definition and the threshold of legal minimum hourly wage (8.5 NIS per hour).

1.CONT:Progress in implementing the Common Social Indicators . A guide about PCBS indicators were produced in late 2011, this guide included the name of indicator, way of measurement, source of indicator, coverage leveland the duration. English version is in process of approving. http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/Portals/_PCBS/Downloads/Book1953.pdf

2. The gap between the metadata of the Common Social Indicators produced by PCBS and the international standards. Some indicators differ in definition (very limited), Example: Poverty line: According to the national committee of poverty that established in 1997 (National Definition): It is the amount of basic needs (food and non-food) derived at 60% of the median for reference (absolute and relative characteristics).    National definition: It is the lower boundary of the poverty line (amount of basic needs: food, clothes, housing) at 60 % of the median for reference households. In late 2012, there were a request from cabinet to re activate the national committee of poverty in order to review the definition and methodology (in process)

Some indicators are not produced : 2.CONT. The gap between the metadata of the Common Social Indicators produced by PCBS and the international standards. Some indicators are not produced : Healthy Life Expectancy (HALE) Peri-natal mortality Early School Leavers Life-long learning (TVET) Secure tenure Real Manufacturing wage index TVET indicators

Reasons behind not producing these indicators: 2.CONT. The gap between the metadata of the Common Social Indicators produced by PCBS and the international standards. Reasons behind not producing these indicators: Healthy Life Expectancy (HALE): This indicator is not available, due  to shortage in covering the deaths data by age and sex, where the coverage rate for deaths data does not exceed 70%. Peri-natal mortality: This indicator is not available due  to shortage of covering in the data of infants and child deaths, in additional to  this indicator is not a priority for UNICEF, where PCBS provide basic indicators ( of child infant mortality rates through health surveys , Neonatal mortality Rate, Post neonatal mortality Rate, Infant mortality Rate, Under five mortality Rate.)

Reasons behind not producing these indicators: 2.CONT. The gap between the metadata of the Common Social Indicators produced by PCBS and the international standards. Reasons behind not producing these indicators: Early School Leavers, Life-long learning (TVET),TVET Indicators: Inability to provide some indicators due to difficulties to obtain the primary data from the source. At least 2 years needed in order to produce these figures. Secure Tenure: The definition is not applicable in Palestine, Security in Tenure is mainly related to Israeli Occupation. Real Manufacturing Wage Index: The experiment in the wage structure survey (needed to have base year) were not succeeded, and till now this indicator is not considered as a priority.

3. Obstacles, challenges that PCBS is facing to reach a full compatibility and comparability with International Standards National Level: Modifying the HH surveys questionnaires to capture data about Early leavers indicators in accordance with the international standards. Improving the coordination process among the related institution on vocational training indicators to provide accurate and comprehensive data. International Level: It does not take into consideration the Division of type of locality;in Palestine, there are 3 types of localities (urban,rural,camps) تم تقديم مادة العرض هذه في اجتماع الاسكوا وتحديدا في البند الخاص بمناقشة اطار الاحصاءات الرسمية.

Thank you for your kind attention FIDA TWAM