Focus 9/24- Go to your ID section copy the question and write until timer rings Compare and Contrast Jamestown and Plymouth. Using the 5 themes of History and reasons founded.
Furs, Rice, Indigo, lumber, cotton, molasses Finished Products America Cloth, manufactured goods Raw Materials Middle Passage- SLAVES Slaves Led to Plantation System
Mercantilism- an economic system to increase the main countries wealth by direct all resources to the main country. Finished Products America Raw Materials
MERCANTILISM Theory that a nation( such as England) became strong by keeping strict control over trade(in the colonies). Navigation Acts- regulated trade between England and its colonies. Only England benefitted from colonial trade England wanted to be self-sufficient so they created the economic policy of mercantilism. Colonies provided raw materials that England did not have or cheaper than they could be produced in England. Colonies provided a market for goods manufactured in England. The colonies were not allowed to compete with industries in England. Colonies were not to help England's rivals in any way.
Plantation System Evolved from Middle Passage Southern colonists began buying slaves This allowed southern plantation owners to farm more and more land without paying any additional money for workers. LEFT SIDE Describe Mercantilism and how it affected the Colonies and England. (Pros and Cons)