Fall 2012 Executive Committee Report to the Faculty Senate I. Items passed to Senate II. Representation of faculty voice to Administration III. New administrators: Introduction to Senate role & processes IV. New initiatives V. Problem solving
I. Items passed to Senate
I. Items passed to Senate Category I Proposals Renaming Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences Graduate Teaching/Learning certificate
I. Items passed to Senate P&T: minor revision to post-tenure review guidelines
I. Items passed to Senate Library strategic plan Library open access policies
I. Items passed to Senate Baccalaureate Core Perspectives policy change
II. Representation of faculty voice to Administration
II. Representation of faculty voice to Administration Equity and Inclusion Angelo Gomez, Interim Executive Director Evolution of the Equity and Inclusion strategic plan
II. Representation of faculty voice to Administration Human Resources David Blake, Assistant Vice President Review of Professional Faculty Job Category and Compensation Program
II. Representation of faculty voice to Administration Outreach & Engagement Scott Reed, Vice Provost
II. Representation of faculty voice to Administration Budget & Fiscal Planning Sherm Bloomer, Director Budget process
II. Representation of faculty voice to Administration President Ed Ray Small group discussions
II. Representation of faculty voice to Administration Shared Governance Task Force “To review and recommend policies and actions that will enhance the effectiveness of shared governance at all levels of the University.”
III. New administrators: Introduction to Senate role & processes
III. New administrators: Introduction to Senate role & processes Office of the Registrar Rebecca Mathern, Registrar
III. New administrators: Introduction to Senate role & processes Center for Teaching and Learning Kay Sagmiller, Director
III. New administrators: Introduction to Senate role & processes ASOSU leaders Amelia Harris, President Dan Cushing, Vice President
III. New administrators: Introduction to Senate role & processes Enterprise Computing Services (ECS) Kent Kuo
IV. New initiatives
IV. New initiatives Human Resources Aaron Hall Time and Attendance
IV. New initiatives Purchasing Brian Thorsness, Director Risk management
IV. New initiatives Office of the General Counsel Meg Reeves, General Counsel Revision of policies to meet Clery Act requirements (incident reporting)
IV. New initiatives Office of the General Counsel Meg Reeves, General Counsel Oregon State law on mandatory reporting (abuse of minors)
V. Problem solving
V. Problem solving Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation Stephanie Dawn, Assistant Director eSET issues
V. Problem solving Retirement Plan Investment Committee Larry Curtis, OSU Representative Recommendations to the legislature on PEBB/retirement
V. Problem solving Department of Public Safety Jack Rogers, Director Emergency Response Communications
V. Problem solving Government Relations Jock Mills, Director Deferred maintenance
V. Problem solving Confidentiality framework
V. Problem solving Confidentiality framework
V. Problem solving Confidentiality framework
2012 Executive Committee Report to the Faculty Senate I. Items passed to Senate II. Representation of faculty voice to Administration III. New administrators: Introduction to Senate role & processes IV. New initiatives V. Problem solving
2012 Executive Committee Report to the Faculty Senate Have a great break!