Welcome to Cherhill class.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Cherhill class.

Our Timetable Monday Reading card due in, please can you sign the card at least 3 times to show the reading that your child has completed. Home learning is due in. Spelling test. P.E. Tuesday Wednesday New spellings set to learn for the week . Home learning set. Thursday Friday Maths games 8:50- 9:10, you are welcome to join us!

Our learning strategies We have a learning partner. Our learning partners are randomly changed each week and we have someone different each week for a whole term, then repeats are allowed. We sometimes work with our partner, discussing ideas and explaining our work, sometimes our partner evaluates our work and sometimes we just sit next to each other and work separately.

Our class room rules. Cherhill’s classroom rules. Love 2 learn. Try your best. Keep going – you will succeed. Respect everyone’s feelings. Work together and have fun!  

Our main topics. Term 1 –Rivers– geography study. Forces. Buddhism. E-safety. Colour and Pointillism. Term 2 –The Mayans – History. Masks. Coding. Term 3 – Materials. Sikhism. Portraits. Term 4 – Lifecycles. Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. Jewellery making. Term 5 – Space and gravity. DT mechanisms – cams. Term 6 – Knowledge of locations, our trip to GPH. Still life.

Some of the important events in the year Some of the important events in the year. (There will be lots I have not mentioned!) Harvest festival – 17.10.17 Parents’ evenings – 11.10.17 and 16.10.17 and again in the Spring term. Open evening in the Summer, Remembrance service, 10.11.17 at 10:45am, Christingle service, 15.12.17, SATs – information meeting early 2017, mocks and then tests 14.5.18 week, GPH – 11.6.18. Letters out soon. Meeting 10th October at 6pm Secondary transfer and preparation for Year 7, apply for place by 31.10.17. Leavers’ assembly.

Ways to help your child Support with their home learning. All work is closely linked to our learning in school to help you know what is going on and to support the progress that your child makes. Let me know early of any concerns or worries that you have, I will try to help! Share any skills that we could use in the classroom. You are always welcome.

Ways to help your child Presentation of work - neat handwriting, layout is clear, Correct punctuation, grammar and spelling, all important throughout every piece of work, Spellings – weekly words are based upon the Y5/6 spelling list provided in the English curriculum – we have lots of ideas in class of how to learn words and spend time on this each week. Reading – sharing books, discussing reading and choices of materials.

Ways to help your child Recall of mental facts – speed and accuracy is needed in Year 6 so we don’t have overload when tackling more difficult work. Times tables, number bonds, doubles and halves as well as relating facts together to make connections. We are developing our ability to visualise our maths and so are beginning to use more drawings and models to help us understand work and explain things to others, thus showing we understand deeply. Web site maths guides.

Thanks for coming!