Sharing the Hydrosphere in Hawai’i How well do you know marine species in Hawai’i? Teachers: This slide show is to elicit interest and engage your students. Do not give them information about the species, just allow them to watch and comment. The slideshow should only take a few minutes to play. The comments at the bottom of the screen are for your background knowledge and you can share the additional information with students later in the lesson.
1 = I don’t know any 10 = I am an expert 1 ---- 5 ---- 10 On a scale of 1 to 10 how well do you know the marine species of Hawai’i? Rate yourself and tell your neighbor your number. 1 = I don’t know any 10 = I am an expert
Do you know my name?
Who am I?
What is my name?
Am I endangered?
Am I endangered?
What do I eat?
What do I eat?
What do I prey on?
Where are my breeding and birthing grounds?
What are my chances for survival?
What are threats to my survival?
Is my main habitat protected?
What issues threaten my pup?
What are my chances for survival?
Did you report seeing me?
Satellite transmitters in action.
Satellite transmitters in action.
Satellite transmitters in action.
Featured Species Hawksbill Sea Turtle Galeocerdo cuvier Endangered Species Hawaiian Monk Seal Neomonachus schauinslandi Tiger Shark Galeocerdo cuvier Threatened Species
Images courtesy of: Diane Pike Wikimedia Images Wikipedia Commons Integrated Oceans Observing System Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System NOAA Fisheries