Road Map to SUCCESS! MasterPeace!
“A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.” H. Stanely Judd Annual plan – Template created by MasterPeace that helps you identify your plan and how we can help you Fill out a new one every year or revise or update your current plan every year depending on if you have a 2 year project or you decided to extend your activities or create completely new activities You are required to sit with your team and strategically plan (Where do we want to go? How do we get there? How do we measure success? How did we do? How can we improve?
Mission/Vision. Identifying Local Mission/Vision Identifying Local Needs and Objectives Partners Media Central Office
Monitoring and Evaluation You to monitor and evaluate you own work For us to hold you accountable as well and understand how the club is creating impact
Team Involvement and Alignment
Linking Projects+ Connecting Clubs Regional themes SDGs
Capacity Building + Talent Banking
SMART Road Map Specific Time-based Measurable Relevant Attainable The purpose of MasterPeace club A MasterPeace club is an organized team that uses MasterPeace tools for contributing in its own society, and enhancing peace building in this specific society. Examples of the movement tools are; MasterPeace ideas, Passion statements, coordinating with other clubs, and using the branding of MasterPeace. It also mobilizes people who are interested in peace building in order to create a global network of people sharing the same peaceful values.
SMART Objectives To mobilize 200 volunteers (Nelsons) actively taking part in MasterPeace Projects in 20 different schools. To conduct 4 events per quarter To mobilize 15 community leaders in 20 different communities To establish 5 new partnerships working to implement MasterPeace activities in 20 different schools To mobilize school and non-school going youth in participating in community peace initiatives To conduct peace events and activities To engage community leaders in education and peace initiatives Numbers, names, linking to activities, needs assessment for local objectives
SMART Projects The Project DIGITAL VOICES FOR PEACE is a initiative will be held in Morocco and Spain and will tackle hate speech among youth through training and interviews with social workers The duration of this project is 10 months. Also this project will give opportunities to youth to participate in 3 training programs in spain. The Project DIGITAL VOICES FOR PEACE is a initiative that will give opportunities to youth to participate in training programs.