ALA Annual Conference New Orleans, LA 2018 WEST Members Meeting ALA Annual Conference New Orleans, LA 2018
Meeting Agenda Introductions Program Updates Membership Archiving Systems Development WEST and Rosemont Program Officer Recruitment Panel Discussion: Local Journal Review Projects and the Impact of Shared Print 24 June 2018
67 institutions west of the Mississippi Membership Update 67 institutions west of the Mississippi All Members Access to archived titles Can nominate titles AGUA On-Demand collection comparison reports Access to JRNL to see gaps and make offers Full Members Unarchived holdings are eligible for inclusion in WEST collection analyses Archive Holder eligible Annual Collection Comparison Reports Terminations, 2017-2018 Willamette University (Archive Holder) Texas Tech University (Non-archive Holder) 24 June 2018
Membership Fees Update Collections Analysis and Decision Support Systems Development Active archive creation at 6 builder institutions for higher risk materials Collaboration and outreach Program, membership, and financial administration Individually, Members Support With 2018, increases plateau to 3% 2018 membership fee invoices will be distributed later this summer Ongoing assessment of fee schedule and tiers Value of WEST Membership fact sheet to accompany membership fee invoices this year Acknowledging that many libraries have competing priorities for their budgets, the WEST Executive Committee considered and endorsed a “Value of WEST Membership” fact-sheet to support WEST campus advocates in making the argument for investment in shared print. This document will be shared with all members as part of the communication that accompanies membership fee invoices this year. 24 June 2018
Archiving Progress – Cycle 7 Last steps for Cycle 7: Propagate disclosures to CRL PAPR Generate Annual Collection Comparison Reports and JRNL exports Announce updated All Archived Titles Report and reminder for On Demand Comparison Reports Disclosure for Cycle 7 is just about complete. A note on JRNL: Until recently, development on Journal Retention and Needs Listing Tool had been somewhat on hold due to expectations of imminent decision support services from SCS…however, now that it is clear those services are not imminent, the JRNL Oversight Committee has reconvened and is going to re-engage with systems development requests. It also looks like there is an opportunity for WEST to add another representative outside of the program staff, so if there are folks who are interested in serving on this committee, please do let Ivy or Alison know. Cycles 6 & 7: 3,354 journal families 163,117 volumes 24 June 2018
Cycles 8 and 9 – coming up! Proposals will be posted to AGUA for Archiver review – end of July/ beginning of August Finalize commitments by the end of August We encourage all Archive Holders to commit to as many Bronze journal families as possible! For Cycles 6 and 7, rate of commitments for Bronze proposals was about 51%. 24 June 2018
AGUA Systems Development Phase 4 Jan/Feb, 2018 Scope wish-list March-Sept, 2018 Priority-setting with WEST governance groups; functional requirements Oct-Dec, 2018 Technical specifications January, 2019 Development work begins Examples of enhancement proposals: Improvements to end-user functionality like adjustments to the On Demand Report or adding call numbers from the local holdings records to facilitate review and archiving activities. Improving the ingest process for unarchived bib and holdings data by providing back curated metadata error reports to members or potentially having members submit files through a user interface to receive error reports back automatically. 24 June 2018
WEST and the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance The Rosemont Shared Print Alliance is a federation of regional shared print programs with a mission to collaboratively develop, manage and coordinate the identification, retention, registration, discovery of and access to a shared, distributed collection of print journals in the United States. Participating regional shared print programs include: Big Ten Academic Alliance Shared Print Repository (BTAA) Eastern Academic Scholars' Trust (EAST) Florida Academic Libraries Repository (FLARE) Scholars Trust (ASERL and WRLC) Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST) 24 June 2018
Rosemont Decision-making in WEST Policy approved by the WEST Executive Committee to keep our members informed and facilitate feedback on Rosemont-related decisions: Rosemont actions and decisions shall undergo membership-wide vetting when they constitute a substantive departure from existing WEST policy or strategic direction, or would have a significant and tangible impact on WEST members’ resources and/or operational processes, as assessed by WEST’s governance groups (including the Operations and Collections Council and the WEST Executive Committee). Actions and decisions that do not fall into those categories shall be vetted by WEST’s governance groups only. All Rosemont actions and decisions will be shared with WEST members on a regular basis for information, comment and feedback. In the beginning of May, WEST circulated a general policy statement, approved by the WEST Executive Committee and the Operations and Collections Council, to guide vetting Rosemont-driven documents, policies, and/or actions. 24 June 2018
What’s happened over the last four months? Decision Support Service (DSS) Member Survey Exploring local tools like AGUA, JRNL, CRL Reports + Tableau. AGUA Overview Webinar (recording available) Rosemont in PAPR Directory Archived titles overlap among Rosemont programs Roadmap review began at the Rosemont Operations ALA Annual meeting Highlights from the DSS survey results: WEST members represented 51% of returned surveys The Extract‐Transform‐Load (ETL) process was consistently ranked as a “Very Important” element in a DSS tool, with Depth Estimation, Registration, and Retention Modeling ranked within the top 4 elements. Deselection, Needs/Offers and Title Classification were ranked as less important. 95% of responders expressed a willingness to subscribe to a DSS tool, with 86.84% favoring a subscription rate under $5,000/year. Of that number, 52.53% preferred a price under $2,500/year. 63% of respondents said that they would probably or definitely participate in a shared service; with 37% qualifying their participation in a “might, might not” category. Revived Interest in Maximizing Local Tools The WEST Project Team has begun, with the endorsement of the WEST Executive Committee, to reassess AGUA’s scalability to support Rosemont collaborations. PAPR – looking into posting a unified title list… Preliminary overlap analysis of titles archived by Rosemont programs – approximately 41,000 unique OCLC numbers Similar to what we have been hearing about the abundance of unique titles within shared print programs, the majority of these titles were held by one program 24 June 2018
Rosemont in the PAPR Directory 24 June 2018
Preliminary Overlap Analysis of Titles Archived by Rosemont Programs Does not yet include Cycle 7 archived titles. 24 June 2018
What comes next for Rosemont? Establishing a time-line for the priorities identified during the Operations meeting Resource-sharing support Continuing to develop shared guidelines (definitions, expectations) Volume level validation Gap-filling Last copy More detailed scoping for a Last Copy Initiative Regular communication across the Rosemont programs’ memberships Pursuit of an alternative to SCS tool October 31st: Rosemont Executive Committee In-Person Meeting Reminder that our WEST Executive representation on the Rosemont Executive Committee includes: Jay Starratt (Chair), Mimi Calter, and Beth McNeil. 24 June 2018
Program Officer Recruitment The position description has been finalized and posted! Will continue as a shared position with UC Libraries Shared Print. Posting closes: July 16 Send questions and candidate ideas to Ivy! 24 June 2018
WEST Member Panel Discussion: Local Journal Review Projects and the Impact of Shared Print Erika Johnson, Head of Acquisitions and Collection Management, University of San Francisco Kerry Scott, Associate University Librarian for Collections & Services, University of California, Santa Cruz Shari Laster, Head of Open Stacks, Arizona State University Dr. Elizabeth Titus, Dean of the Library, New Mexico State University Moderator: Ivy Anderson, Interim Program Manager for WEST 24 June 2018
How does shared print factor into your journal review and deselection? 24 June 2018
What shared print tools or reports (e. g What shared print tools or reports (e.g. AGUA reports, JRNL, PAPR), if any, support your journal review projects? 24 June 2018
How do you engage your constituents (librarians, students, faculty, administrators) in conversations about the value of shared collections and their role in journal review? 24 June 2018
The Questions… How does shared print factor in? What are the tools? How do we communicate the role of shared print? What are the ongoing challenges? 24 June 2018
Thank you! Ivy Anderson Interim WEST Program Manager Alison Wohlers WEST Operations and Collections Analyst 24 June 2018