ELEMENTS OF DISTRIBUTION Marketing Management Session 9 November 4, 1998
COURSE OUTLINE Distribution: The origins of modern marketing Some common myths of distribution Managerial aspects of distribution Video: The Fresh Connection Guest speakers: Procter&Gamble
MYTH No. 1 The presence of middlemen increases the cost of the product to the consumer.
MYTH No. 2 Direct channels of distribution should be used for highly perishable goods.
MIDDLEMEN PROVIDE Form utility Place utility Time utility
IMPORTANT FACTORS OF DISTRIBUTION Direct vs. indirect channels Market coverage Type of middlemen Channel organization
IMPORTANCE OF DISTRIBUTION Long-term decision Costly decision Involving various departments Involving various firms Least controlable
TYPE OF CHANNELS Direct channels: conditions? Product category Customers Positioning, … Indirect channels: conditions? Positioning
MARKET COVERAGE Intensive distribution (mass distribution) Selective distribution Exclusive distribution
OTHER ASPECTS Logistics Retailing Transportation Warehousing Retailer part of the distribution channel As marketing company
TYPE OF MIDDLEMEN Wholesalers vs. retailers Merchants vs. intermediary Services provided
NEXT CLASS Pricing decisions, chapters 10 and 11 Pricing objectives Pricing flexibility Pricing strategies over the PLC Methods of price setting Case presentation: Canadian vs. Air Canada Video: Leader of the pack, What the market can bear