Partnership: an example from Turkey Gender Program


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Presentation transcript:

Partnership: an example from Turkey Gender Program ECA gender Training April 11, 2013

Background Gender (In)equality as Despite substantial progress towards gender equality ; gender disparities remain very pronounced. Source: World Economic Forum, Global Gender Gap 2012

Background Gender (In)equality a Despite substantial progress towards gender equality; gender disparities remain very pronounced Around one quarter of working age women are employed More than half of working women are employed in the informal sector They earn around 40 percent of the males Only 10% are high level managers Share of women employers to men is 15%

Institutional Structure Public Sector Gender Agenda Government Agenda Systemic Framework 12 years compulsory education Health Transformation Program Child care subsidy Micro credit framework Regulatory Framework Amending key legislation National Gender Equity Strategy Protecting Women against Violence Laws Part time and flexible work arrangements National Employment Strategy Ministry of Family and SP Policy and institutional unification Gender Equality Parliamentary Committee Institutional Structure

Partners to Complement Comprehensive and Complex Public Sector Agenda Partnership Partners to Complement Comprehensive and Complex Public Sector Agenda Private Sector Public Sector IFIs NGOs & Think Thanks

Partnering with Government Partnership Partnering with Government The first diagnostic assessment on female labor participation (2010, SPO) Supporting Ministry of Family progrqm on gender (SIDA fund, 2013-2015)

Partnering with IFIs Partnership SIDA Gender TF EU: Potential collaboration on access to finance for female entrepreneurs (IPA4)

Partnering with NGOs and Think Thanks Partnership Partnering with NGOs and Think Thanks Equal Opportunities Model with KAGIDER Step by Step Anatolia with TUSIAD Gender ICA with TEPAV

Partnering with Private Sector Partnership Partnering with Private Sector Firms undertaking FEM piloting Independent audit firms working for preparation of FEM manual preparation and FEM assessment at the firm level

Equal Opportunities Model FEM Gender Certification Equal Opportunities Model FEM 10

FEM Gender Certification FEM Partnering Firms

Importance of Partnership Conclusion Importance of Partnership Access and knowledge on local dynamics Ensured sustainability Knowledge transfer and capacity More internal and external visibility Identifying the other partners Adaptation of the model to the country FEM program is ongoing Plan for implementing it at the public sector and SMEs To KAGIDER and Audit firms Pilot firms Zoellick visit Local Media One of the ECA results story

Partnership Why Who How Conclusion Partnership Value added Pros and cons Why Reputational issues Objectivity and independence Relations with other stakeholders Who Financial contribution MOU Roles and responsibilities How

Thank you Mediha Agar, Senior Economist Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Europe and Central Asia