Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Comprehensive Needs Assessment A study to estimate the importance or value of…
TEAMS for Needs Assessment Student Issues Staff Issues Parent/Community Issues Climate/Safety/Facilities
Teams are Challenged to… Question the system Be “data driven” Involve parents/students Work as a “team” – involve everyone Have “honest/open” discussions Stay “student-focused”
“If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” -George Patton
Framework The framework was developed As a “self-evaluation” As a “continuum for progress” As a “template for planning”
Ten Components Critical Attributes Critical parts that underscore each component Descriptors Descriptors of observed behaviors and/or events
Framework Is NOT an external evaluator’s tool to evaluate/inspect a school’s planning effort IS a tool to facilitate a school staff’s discovery of where the school is in its planning efforts A guide to assist the school in determining where it might go next A tool developed with research in mind…