6.01U SELECTING FOOD 6.01U Selecting Food 1
Canned Food Look for undented, nonbulging, rustfree cans Check for sell-by or expiration dates 6.01U Selecting Food
Boxed/Packaged Food Look for uncrushed, unopened containers Check for sell by or expiration dates 6.01U Selecting Food 3
Fresh Food Eggs-look for uncracked, clean shells Check for sell-by dates Dairy-look for unopened containers Check for sell-by or use by dates 6.01U Selecting Food 4
Frozen Food Look for loose content, no ice crystals on outside of container, and no torn packaging Check for sell by or expiration dates 6.01U Selecting Food 5
Fruits Choose slightly firm, heavy fruits that are in season for best value Look for good color and no bruising Some fruits can be bought before being completely ripe-examples are avocadoes, bananas, mangoes, papayas, peaches, and pears 6 6.01U Selecting Food
Vegetables Look for good color, nonwilted vegetables Buy in season for best value Buy medium sized, heavy vegetables Avoid sprouts on root vegetables 6.01U Selecting Food 7
Meats and Poultry Look for unopened, non-leaky packaging (if it leaks, ask butcher for paper towels/bag) Look for sell by dates-for freshest, look for packages with later dates Bargain bin meats, check for good color and odor, use immediately or freeze 6.01U Selecting Food 8
Meats and Poultry…cont’d Check for freshness and leanness Beef-cherry red, little fat Pork-pink to red, little fat Lamb and veal-pink, little fat Chicken and turkey-dark and white meat, little fat 6.01U Selecting Food 9
Shellfish and seafood No odor, tightly closed bivalves, firm flesh on shrimp, crab, and lobster Fish-bulging eyes, firm skin, red gills no odor 6.01U Selecting Food 10