A Combination of Public and Private Cloud –


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Presentation transcript:

A Combination of Public and Private Cloud – the Interlake Hybrid Cloud Management Suite “Interlake and Azure gave us a customizable and scalable management scenario to unite all of our business workflows in a single solution that gave us control of costs and sensitive data.” – Edward Liebenburg, Senior Project Manager, Digicor SITUATION Digicor came to Interlake with a request: It required the adoption and consolidation of various existing cloud and on-premises solutions with different APIs/management tools to handle short-term peaks like marketing campaigns with automatic upscale and scaledown after the peaks to saves costs. To make that happen, Interlake needed a well-documented and consistent API to make the consolidation of different components into one framework easier. MICROSOFT AZURE ISV: Interlake System GmbH WEB SITE: www.interlake.net LOCATION: Potsdam, Germany ORG SIZE: 25 employees MICROSOFT AZURE ISV PROFILE: Interlake is a full-service solution provider for technical integration and hosting for complex online projects. It serves as a solution architect, software integrator and takes care of the ongoing management and maintenance of online applications. As a triple Microsoft Gold partner, it is an expert in cloud technologies and runs its own security-certified private cloud in German data centers. SOLUTION Interlake collected and analyzed the customer’s components, including control mechanisms and workflows, then developed a scenario to manage the single components. It then consolidated everything into one blended solution using Microsoft Azure, including Azure Locally Redundant Storage (block blob, page blob, tables, queues), IaaS, Azure SQL Database, Redis Cache, Traffic Manager profiles, Azure CDN, Virtual Networks, Virtual Network Gateways, Web Apps, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, Load Balancer, Azure Active Directory, Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V, IIS and System Center 2012 R2. BENEFITS The Microsoft Azure API made it possible to create one uniform solution for all projects from the different company units. Azure and Interlake helped the client realize cost savings through the consolidation of the existing components, forming one IT access point.