Richard Serra (Pg. 286 and 287) Space Time Material Dimension Elements
Types Carving Modeling Casting Construction Assemblage Installation Earthwork
The three ways we experience sculpture. Relief In the round As an environment
Relief Is intended to be seen from the front (frontal) Used in architecture to accompany structural aspects such as column’s and facades. Used in coinage
Hieroglyph Meant to become ‘more real’ Are apart of the structure, imbuing it with meaning
Relief Low High
Relief What is actually performed when a relief is cut in from a flat surface of stone or wood is a lowering of the field, leaving the unsculpted parts seemingly raised. The technique thus involves considerable chiselling away of the background, which is a time-consuming exercise with little artistic effect if the lowered background is left plain, as is often the case. On the other hand, a relief saves forming the rear of a subject, and is less fragile and more securely fixed than a sculpture in the round, especially one of a standing figure where the ankles are a potential weak point, especially in stone.
Low relief Is a projecting image with a shallow overall depth, for example used on coins, on which all images are in low relief. In the lowest reliefs the relative depth of the elements shown is completely distorted, and if seen from the side the image makes no sense, but from the front the small variations in depth register as a three-dimensional image.
High Relief Is where in general more than half the mass of the sculpted figure projects from the background, indeed the most prominent elements of the composition, especially heads and limbs, are often completely undercut, detaching them from the field.
in-the round (pg.290)
Environments Sculptural space into which you can physically enter either indoors (installation) or outdoors (earthworks/public)
Methods for making sculpture Carving Modeling Casting Assemblage Installation Earth Works Performance Art as Living Sculpture