Animal Lover Are you an animal lover?
Humanitarian Are you a humanitarian who care about people’s life?
Environmentalist Are you an environmentalist?
If you are anyone of these, I’d like to ask you to join us and cut out meat
The Environment
Meat 51% of greenhouse gases To feed To transport To slaughter (屠宰) factory farming is the biggest contributor to global warming Meat industry contributes to >51% of greenhouse gases that cause climate change more than all cars, planes and trains combined. To store
Meat Wastes water >>> 1 pound of wheat 25 gallons 5000 gallons >>> 1 pound of meat
Meat Meat Water Pollution 89,000 pounds of waste every second. Fertilizers and pesticides Water Pollution
20 days 150 miles = 50 baths
The people in developing countries
Meat >>> 1 pound >>>>> 16 pounds
840 million starving people 8.7 BILLION people how
You can’t eat meat every day and call yourself a humanitarian. The production of meat kills not only animals and the environment, but also people! Continued growth in meat output significantly increases the number of climate refugees: rising sea levels causes people in developing regions to lose their land, to drink salty/contaminated water, and to constantly wade through neck-high water. Over 30% of the grains, soybeans and corn we annually produce are fed to farmed animals instead of the 840 million starving humans. And each of these animals consumes as many as 16 pounds of grain to create just 1 pound of edible flesh. The rest becomes bone, skin, blood, or other parts that cannot be eaten. Cattle worldwide consume enough calories to feed 8.7 billion people. This indirect method is hugely inefficient and only escalates/prolongs world hunger.
The animals
Just when I was thinking if my knowledge about animals was distorted by the meat industry, there’s ONE picture that hits me, so profoundly that i decided to go veg. at the time I saw this photo, that was 5 years ago, I still ate meat. Actually I always love the taste of meat. I still do. My favorite dishes were curry cutlets, roasted ducks. Even now, every tiem I pass by KFC, it still smells pretty good. But when I see this photo. When I see the questions: Which do you pet, and which do you eat…and WHY?! I can’t answer this question …
Cancer Obesity
Improve Our Health Save Poor Suffering Animals Create a World without Hunger Reduce Pollution
once a week CUT OUT MEAT