Lecture 19 Stellar Luminosity; Surface Temperature Luminosity from brightness and distance Temperature from color Temperature from lines: spectral type The H-R classification diagram: Main Sequence, Giants, and Dwarfs Mar 3, 2006 Astro 100 Lecture 19
Brightness Units Magnitude: a measurement of relative intensity where a ratio of 10 gives a difference in magnitude of 2.5 (called a "logarithmic" scale). Greek origin, based on human eye. m(star 1) - m(star 2) = -2.5 log10 (brt(star 1) / brt(star 2)) or brt(star 1) / brt(star 2) = 10 -(m(star 1) - m(star 2))/2.5 Apparent magnitude: magnitudes "relative to the brightness of Vega" (α Lyrae, one of the stars in the Summer Triangle). So for apparent magnitude, star 2 in the formula is Vega. This means Vega’s apparent magnitude is 0 Apparent magnitude is usually written (lower case) "m". Some Examples Mar 3, 2006 Astro 100 Lecture 19
Luminosity Luminosity measured in solar units: "Lsun" Lsun = 3.9x1026 W Recall relation between Brightness and Luminosity Lum = 4π distance2 Brightness By combining brightnesses and distances from parallax of nearby stars, find stellar luminosities L(Vega)/Lsun = b(Vega)/bsun × (d(Vega)/dsun)2 = 10-11 × (5.5x106)2 = 52 Bottom Line: By combining brightnesses and distances from parallax of nearby stars, find stellar luminosities have huge range: L(star) = 10-5 - 106 Lsun This means a star can have a large brightness (low magnitude) if it is close, or if it is intrinsically luminous Mar 3, 2006 Astro 100 Lecture 19
Stellar Surface Temperature One of the easier things to measure is a star’s surface temperature Like the Sun, stars show absorption line spectra: continuum plus absorption lines. Each depend mainly on the surface temperature. Mar 3, 2006 Astro 100 Lecture 19
Stellar Continuum Color The continuous spectrum is approximately a blackbody radiator from opaque gas. Color => approximate surface Temperature from Wien’s law: Surface Temp = constant/wavelength(maximum) Range of surface temperatures seen: 3500 - 30,000. The Sun is in the middle. Star Wavelength (maximum) (color) Surface Temperature Sun 520 nm (yellow) 5800 K Rigel (β Ori) 250 nm (ultraviolet-blue) 12,000 K Betelgeuse (α Ori) 800 nm (red-infrared) 3750 K Mar 3, 2006 Astro 100 Lecture 19
Stellar Absorption lines - Spectral "Type" The absorption lines are due to absorption by atoms in its transparent, slightly cooler, overlying atmosphere. Different stars show different absorption lines. Why? Which spectral lines appear depends mainly on the temperature of the atmosphere. The elemental composition of stars does not (usually) vary enough to make a big effect. Example, the hydrogen Balmer Lines. (Recall these are from photons absorbed by Hydrogen atoms in their second energy state). Mar 3, 2006 Astro 100 Lecture 19
Balmer Lines most prominent in stars between 8000 and 15000 K It is so hot that collisions between H atoms knock the electrons off the atoms, leaving them ionized (bare protons). A bare proton has no lines at all. Balmer lines are weak. < 8000 K: The H Balmer absorption lines at visible wavelengths are all due to absorption by atoms starting from the second energy state. The only way an atom gets into this state is by being hit by a neighbor, and the neighbors at these temperatures are not moving fast enough. Balmer lines are weak. Mar 3, 2006 Astro 100 Lecture 19
Spectral Type Similar (more complex) story for other elements, at other temperatures. Which lines are prominent is quantified by (in order of decreasing temperature) spectral type letters: O B A F G K M, and subtype numbers G0,G1...G9. This turns out to be the easiest way to get the surface temperature of even very faint stars- this has been done for almost a million stars! Try this applet! It combines the continuum color and lines. http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/distance/life/sample/java/spectype/specplot.htm Star Surface Temp Spectral Type Lines Rigel 12,000 B8 H Balmer lines Sun 5800 G2 Ca+, Fe+ Betelgeuse 3750 M2 TiO molecule Mar 3, 2006 Astro 100 Lecture 19
Classification Diagram We now have all the data we need to make a famous diagram which shows what kind of stars there are: "H-R (Hertzsprung-Russell) Diagram" Luminosity vs Temperature For historical reasons, luminosity is plotted up and temperature towards left. Each star is one point on the diagram Mar 3, 2006 Astro 100 Lecture 19
Stellar Classes Find there are only certain kinds of stars Supergiants Very rare. eg Betelgeuse (alpha Ori) Giants Pretty rare. eg Aldebaran (alpha Tau) Main Sequence 90% of stars. eg the Sun . The least luminous (coolest) main sequence stars are by far the most common (albeit the most inconspicuous) White Dwarfs (a different typing scheme). Probably very common, but so faint that not many are known. eg Sirius B (faint companion to Sirius) Next time: how size comes into it.. Mar 3, 2006 Astro 100 Lecture 19
Brightness & Luminosity of Some Stars m brtness (mag) b(Vega)) Sun -27.5 1027.5/2.5 =1011 Vega (α Lyr) 0.0 1.00 “Proxima” Cen 10.7 5.3×10-5 α Cen 0.1 0.91 Betelgeuse (α Ori) 0.5 0.63 Lum (Lsun) 1 52 6x10-5 20,000 parallax dist (arcsec) (pc) 5x10-6 0.038 26.5 0.775 1.3 0.011 95 Mar 3, 2006 Astro 100 Lecture 19
Orion Star Colors Betelgeuse 3750 K Rigel 12,000 K Mar 3, 2006 Astro 100 Lecture 19
Spectral Types He >25,000 11 -25,000 8 -11,000 6 -8,000 5 -6,000 Ha Hb Hg He >25,000 11 -25,000 8 -11,000 6 -8,000 5 -6,000 4 -5,000 3 -4,000 Temperature Ca+ TiO CH Mar 3, 2006 Astro 100 Lecture 19
H-R Diagram Mar 3, 2006 Astro 100 Lecture 19