Infrared Universe to be seen by QDs ? Y.DOI
Infrared View Of The Constellation Orion (オリオン座) 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
IRAS - The Infrared Astronomical Satellite Launched in 1983 by ESA and NASA 60 cm telescope, cooled by LHe Survey the whole sky in IR (12-100 mm)
IRAS view of the whole sky 12,25,60, and 100 micron bands – composite image 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Infrared Cirrus (絹雲orすじ雲) Diffuse, hazy emission covers the whole sky 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Infrared Spectrum Desert, Boulanger, and Puget, 1990, A&A 237, 215-236 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
THE GALAXY (銀河系) Artistic Paint (based on Scientific Observations)
Interstellar Matter (星間物質) Interstellar gas (星間ガス) H(90%), He(10%), others(<10^-4)… nT≒10^4 [K cm^-3] Interstellar dust (星間塵) C and SiO compounds 0.1 micron or smaller (down to “big molecules”) Dust/gas mass ratio~0.01 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Dust Absorption Spectrum Desert, Boulanger, and Puget, 1990, A&A 237, 215-236 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Dust Size Distribution Desert, Boulanger, and Puget, 1990, A&A 237, 215-236 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Cold Dust? Cf. e∝sT4 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Dust absorption (星間吸収) 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Gas Heating Photoelectron emission from gaseous particles Photoionization of hydrogen atom Ionization potential: 13.6 eV Random walk of recombination photons Finally absorbed by dust particles “HII region” T ~ 10^4 [K] 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Emission Nebula (散光星雲) 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Gas Heating II Photoelectron emission from dust particles Photoelectric effect Work function ~ 6 eV ⇒ 6-13.6 eV photons ~1 % of energy absorbed by dusts T ~ 100 [K] 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
FIR Emission Lines [CII] 158 mm [OI] 63, 145 mm [OIII] 52, 88 mm [NII] 122, 205 mm etc… Fischer, 2000, ESA SP-456 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Balloon telescope 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
[CII] 158mm Milky Way 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Density measurement 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
[CII] 158 & [NII] 205 distribution 7°resolution… No 122 mm data ISO observed 122 mm but the region is quite limited. 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Viewing the early universe
Red-shift (z: 赤方偏移) l *= (1+z) Galaxy formation epoch: Z~5-10?? (nobody knows) 300 mm or longer should be observed!! 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Newborn stars – future home of ET SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence “proto-planetary disk” 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Our approach ASTRO-F Launch: Feb. 2004 Main mirror: 70 cm Obs. band: 2~200μm 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
FIR Detector (100-200 mm) 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Detector Structure 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Ge:Ga chips in cavities 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
15 sets… 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Spectrum Response 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
dN/dz 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
And Beyond… To be launched (hopefully) around 2010 Launch by HII rocket to Lagrangian point 2. Higher spatial resolution, longer wavelength! 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Summary FIR emission traces “Star-formation history”. Emission from interstellar matter Energy input from newly formed stars Gas density, ionization state, abundance, etc. Important for look back ancient universe Due to redshift 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
We need QDs! Longer wavelength Large format [NII] 205 mm, CI 370 mm Low temperature dust Redshifted [CII] 158 mm, [OI] 63 mm Large format Indispensable for obs. with higher spatial resolution 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Helium burning “Nominal” nuclear fusion in stars p(p,e++n)d d(p,g)3He 3He(3He,p+p)4He Helium burning: later stage 4He+4He→ 8Be, 8Be+4He→12C+g 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Galactic plane 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
CI distribution Tielens and Hollenbach, 1985, ApJ 291, 722-746 van Dishoeck and Black, 1988, ApJ 334, 771-802 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
2.73 K CBR 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
CRE回路 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Newborn stars – future home of ET 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
Emission Nebulae (散光星雲) Orion M42 and Carina 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
波長感度特性(400 N mm-2) 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI
HI(21cm) H2(CO) HII(2.7G) IR 11/22/2018 IR Universe, Y.DOI