Azure Information Protection Content Based Recommended Classification Organizations no longer operate within their own perimeter. Data is traveling between users, devices, apps and services more than ever before. So how can you identify and secure your data when it’s being stored in disparate locations and shared across boundaries? Microsoft Azure Information Protection allows users to: Manually/Automatically classify data based on sensitivity. Protect sensitive data by encrypting it and allowing authorized users access to the data. Track activities on shared files and revoke access if unexpected activities are encountered. Classification labels and protection travel with the data making it identifiable and protected at all times, regardless of where it is stored or whom it is shared. CLICK STEP(S) Click anywhere on the slide to begin
The Information Protection bar displays a document’s current classification. Currently, this document contains credit card information but has yet to be classified. Point Out: Sensitivity: Not Set (left side of Information Protection bar) Now let’s move on and save this document. CLICK STEP(S) On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save.
Point Out: Tool Tip Bar and it’s recommendation. CLICK STEP(S) Click Change now.
By clicking Change now, Garth will apply the credit card data policy to the document. This policy applies classification to the document, sets a footer and a watermark. Point Out: Sensitivity label on Information Protection bar and watermark. CLICK STEP(S) Click the scroll bar to scroll down the page.
Point Out: Footer sensitivity label CLICK STEP(S) On the Ribbon, click File.
Point Out: Protected Document label Closing Statement: Azure Information Protection lets you classify, label, and protect your documents and emails. When you classify this data, persistent labels are added to the data, so that the classification is identifiable at all times, regardless of where the data is stored or with whom it’s shared. The persistent labels include visual markings such as a header, footer, or watermark. For your most sensitive data, you can also use Azure Rights Management encryption, identity, and authorization policies, to help prevent data loss. For end users, Azure Information Protection easily integrates with their existing workflows by adding an Information Protection bar to their Office applications. Azure Information Protection = Encryption + Authentication + Use Rights + Tracking