Your Representative in the House of Representatives Jared Huffman Elected 2012 Represents the 2nd congressional district of California
Your Representative in the House of Representatives Jared Huffman: Elected 2012 Represents the 2nd congressional district of California Graduated from UC Santa Barbara where he was a three-time NCAA All-American volleyball player Was public interest attorney who won major gender and race discrimination lawsuits Headed Marin Municipal Water District from 1994-2006 Senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council 6 years in the California State Assembly Speech on climate change 1 min.
California’s Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Elected 1992 Former mayor of San Francisco Now serving her 5th term Select Committee on Intelligence Sits on the Judiciary Committee & Appropriations Committee Speaking to reporter Feinstein on the political spectrum
California’s Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA) Elected 1992 Re-elected to serve a fourth term in 2010 Former stock broker and news reporter Served on Marin County Board of Supervisors Elected to 4 terms as member of U.S. House of Representatives Blasts Inhofe Boxer on the political spectrum Hardball: the economy
Influences on Congress Constituents Political Party Own Beliefs/Conscience Special Interest Groups/Political Action Committees Campaign Contributors Current Events
On what does a congressperson base their vote? Trustees—believe each question they face must be decided on its merits, that they have been elected to use their best judgment Delegates—believe they should vote the way they think the folks back home would want Partisans—feel duty-bound to vote in line with their political party Politicos—attempt to combine the basic elements of the trustee, delegate and partisan roles; try to balance their own views, political factors, and the peculiar pressures of the moment
Incumbent Advantages Name recognition Track record of accomplishments, experience The “franking” privilege