Day of prayer Friday 25 September Use this PowerPoint to prepare for a day of Prayer on Friday 25 September, when Pope Francis will address the United Nations (UN), as world leaders gather for the UN General Assembly, to agree the new Global Goals for Sustainable Development. In the run up to 25 September and on the day itself, find time to join others around the world to reflect on and pray for the meeting in the UN and the launch of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Day of prayer Friday 25 September
Pope Francis is addressing the United Nations on 25 September Pope Francis will deliver the opening address on 25 September as world leaders gather for the United Nations (UN) General Assembly. Why are the UN meeting? The UN are meeting to agree on a new set of international development goals, called the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, to help make our world fair, healthy and sustainable. These goals replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which were agreed in 2000, but expire in 2015. The Global Goals are important because they will set the future direction of development work over the next 15 years. There are lots of ways to get involved this week, through both prayer and action. Why are the UN meeting?
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development include 17 goals with 169 targets. They cover a range of sustainable development issues, from ending poverty and hunger to improving health and education, and combating climate change. Why do the Global Goals matter? The MDGs helped halve the number of people living in extreme poverty around the world. They gained lots of support from the international community, but the 8 goals have seen mixed progress, with some goals being met globally and some still off track. There is still lots of work to do. (Additional information for secondary schools) There were also concerns that those writing the MDGs failed to include the voices of the very people they were seeking to help. This hampered the extent to which the Goals were effectively used and implemented. With the new Global Goals, the international community has made an effort to devise development goals that are based around the views and needs of those who should benefit most from them. Find out more about the Global Goals for Sustainable Development at
What does Pope Francis say about sustainable development? Pope Francis has spoken a lot about sustainable development and his concern for the world’s poorest people. He has a vision for a sustainable, just world, which he has shared in Laudato Si’, the recent encyclical/ letter he has written to us all. In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis asks us all to protect our common home, the earth. He reminds us that the earth is God’s gift to us, full of beauty and wonder, but that it has never been so hurt and mistreated as it is today. Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face – it affects us all, but it is the poorest communities who suffer the most. In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis inspires us to change, and invites us all to make a new start, to work together and play our part to protect our common home. Click on the link (Our Common Home) to watch an animation about Laudato Si’ and find out more about Pope Francis’ vision for the world, and how we can all play our part to build a sustainable, just world. Animation available here:
Day of Prayer As Pope Francis addresses the United Nations, we join with others around the world and pray for world leaders as they agree the new Global Goals for Sustainable Development.
We pray for the world we live in: that God may open our eyes to recognise the goodness of all creation and help us to do what we can to restore and care for the wonderful gift that we have been given. Lord, in your mercy…
We pray for people who are struggling to grow their crops, who are hungry or thirsty, who cannot meet their needs because of droughts, floods or other extreme weather: that God may strengthen and support them and that they may have reason to look with hope to the future. Lord, in your mercy…
We pray for our local and global community: that through God’s grace we may be good neighbours to each other and to the whole of creation, restoring and caring for all that God has made. Lord, in your mercy…
We pray for world leaders: that God may grant them wisdom to make just decisions which respect the earth and all that lives in it, especially those who are poorest and most vulnerable. Lord, in your mercy…
Let’s pray the Our Father together Pray the Our Father together, in solidarity with our sisters and brothers around the world. Optional – watch CAFOD’s Thy Kingdom Come video available at: Watch video
Day of prayer Friday 25 September Follow up activities Watch the Pope’s speech at the United Nations at lunchtime on 25 September (1.30pm British time): Watch the Laudato Si’ animation and find out more about the Pope’s vision for the world. Explore goal 16, Peace and Justice, with our Harvest Fast Day resources: Primary - Secondary - Explore goal 13, Climate Action, with our resources: Primary - Secondary - Find out more about the Global Goals for Sustainable Development: Day of prayer Friday 25 September Credits: Caritas Internationalis, CAFOD/Adrian White, CAFOD, Claudia Torres, Purple Flame Media.