Apostrophe notes Write Source
Copy the following notes about Apostrophes: Use an apostrophe to: Form possessives of nouns Show omission of letters or numbers Possessives: showing possession The hat of the boy=the boy’s hat (singular words) The game of the children=the children’s game (plural nouns not ending in –s) The toy of two cats=two cats’ toys (plural nouns ending in –s) My brother-in-law’s money (compound words) Todd and Anne’s apartment (joint possession of object) Omission: to leave out (contractions) Do not=don’t I am=I’m Could have=could’ve 1960= ’60
Copy the following and add APOSTROPHES where needed: Grandpas hair Chicagos wind Mens room The womens offices Three players uniforms Five lawyers arguments Great-grandmas diary Somebodys house Brown, Jenkins, and Smiths law firm Mr. Graves job is working at the Walmart Visitor Center. God used Moses staff to help him perform miracles.
Corrected: Grandpa’s hair Chicago’s wind Men’s room The women’s offices Three players’ uniforms Five lawyers’ arguments Great-grandma’s diary Somebody’s house Brown, Jenkins, and Smith’s law firm Mr. Graves’ (or Mr. Graves’s) job is working at the Walmart Visitor Center. God used Moses’ staff to help him perform miracles.