NATIONAL INTERAGENCY LOGISTICS WORKSHOP Forest Service Update 2008 Good Morning. I plan on touching upon the highlights and if I don’t cover the things you would like to know, be sure and ask me questions.
Continuing with Management Efficiencies Business Process Reengineering Aviation Training and Dispatch Fleet National Interagency Management Organization – NIMO National Multi-agency Coordinating Group The FS implemented many of the 47 management efficiencies during 2007 and will continue to move them forward. One of those that is beginning is the standardization of engines for the Forest Service. Implementing Appropriate management response and the continuation of the Chief Principal Representative. BPR – will look at what can be implemented from the Aviation studies, training and dispatch, and Fleet is just beginning gathering additional information to move forward with its BPR. NIMO – two more teams will be in place this spring and will continue to support large long-duration incidents, special projects such as working with NMAC, Manual revisions, Doctrine, and FEMA. NMAC has been working on their mission and how to improve in meeting the needs of the field during high planning levels, as well as making difficult decisions. Tasked the Area Command folks with developing a standard process for working within geographic areas during complex high incident activity and planning for long-duration fires and the use of AMR.
Forest Service Updates continued Budget National Wildfire Coordinating Group Fire Equipment Committee Budgets will continue to be a concern and leadership is taking a hard look at what is funded that may be able to be reduced or eliminated. Continue working toward the WO/RO transformation and will ultimately end with efficiencies. NWCG has undergone a merger with the National Fire and Aviation Executive Board and has begun a restructuring of the groups developed underneath them for accomplishing the work. This will probably not effect how FEWT operates but could have an impact on other groups. The end goal is to eliminate duplicate work, potentially eliminate some groups, as well as ogranize to better meet the demands of the interagency fire community. FEWT will now be a “Committee” and will continue have at a minimum the NFES Sub-committee and Fire Shelter Sub-committee. National Fire Equipment System Fire Shelter Task Group Logistics Ignition Mobile Equipment Contract Equipment Standards
What’s Happening in Aviation? Future of Wildland Fire Chemicals?? Aviation continues to move toward finding a solution with the aging fleet – large airtankers, FS lead-planes, and now the concern over FEPP Aircraft. The National Interagency Aviation Committee submitted a strategy at the end of 2007. The strategy is being reviewed for implementation but they have held discussions with Congressional folks concerning large airtankers. The Forest Service was successful in meeting the Judge’s ruling to complete NEPA for the use of Retardant through aerial delivery. We continue to work towards improving all classes of wildland fire chemicals concerning environmental and safety factors. As far as I know we plan onutilizing these chemicals far into the future. Future of Wildland Fire Chemicals??
Preparing for the Future Lifecycle Planning Create lifecycle plans for each product with a specification. The definition, development, implementation, and termination of the project. Evaluation and approval points between phases Ensuring all parts are established before introducing new items into the system One of things we are implementing in the Cache System through our Technology and Development Centers is lifecyle planning. We are concentrating on anything with a specification in order to introduce new technology in a timely manner yet provide for a smooth transition when we phase-out something and phase-in something new or to replace an exiting tool or supply. This will assist in preventing some problems from the past and allow us to take advantage of budget cycles and managing inventories. In addition we continue to move forward with the national Interagency Support Cache Strategic Plan and will be presenting to fire leaders options for what the caches should look like and where they should be located to most efficiently meet the demands of all their customers.
ANY QUESTIONS? In closing, I’d like to thank you for all the hard work you do and the challenges we all face in the future. I think we can handle anything that comes our way especially when we recognize such a great partnership through all levels of the agency, our partners, and those of you that go the extra mile. Any Questions?