DG Agriculture and Rural Development Iman Boot (iman.boot@ec.europa.eu)
Rural Development Member States /regions implement Investment Pilot projects (operational groups) Technical assistance Budget with MS / Regions
Horizon 2020 - Challenge based - Calls at EU level - Workprogrammes (2018-2020) Push for digitisation - Internet of things - robotics http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/news/designing-path-strategic-approach-eu-agricultural-research-and-innovation - different policy interests, within and across regions - different funding mechanisms - different levels of willingness to pool resources
EIP (European Innovation Partnership) - part of Rural Development - > 3200 pilot projects - programmed by Member States / Regions Networking at EU level via EIP network (google EIP AGRI) - focus groups / workshops / etc
EIP Short supply chains (link to Macedonia and Noord-Brabant proposal) - focus group short supply chains - workshops cities and food Bottom up via Rural Development Governance body (Subgroup Innovation)
EIP Digitisation (link to Tuscany and Andalucia proposal) - focus group precision farming - workshops data platforms / data access / business development - Digital Hubs (linked to Digital Agenda)