European Structural and Investment Funds


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Presentation transcript:

European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 Shift to community based services Andor Urmos European Commission Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy Competence Center for Inclusive Growth

Tantava(Romania) Institution for disbled persons

Institutions for children in Romania

UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCPRD) Countries Ratification of UNCPRD Australia 17-7-2008 Bulgaria 23-7-2009 Czech Republic 28-9-2009 European Union 23-12-2010 Germany 24-2-2009 Greece 31-5-2012 Hungary 20-7-2007 Japan 20-1-2014 Romania 31-1-2011 Slovakia 26-5-2010 United Kingdom 8-6-2009 United States of America NO

EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020: 1/3 of the EU budget

Cohesion Policy 2014-2022 (eligibility simulation)     GDP/capita* < 75% of EU average 75-90% > 90%  *index EU27=100 3 categories of regions € 351,8 billion for 7 years:         Canarias Guyane Réunion Guadeloupe/ Martinique Madeira Açores Malta € 182 bn Less developed regions I will run ahead a bit at the beginning of this conference and present you the framework for the next seven year period. The European Council, as part of the agreement on the multi-annual budget for the EU, has recently agreed on the budget for Cohesion policy Lower than proposed by the Commission but still a very important investment resource. For Romania financial resources available will even increase. While the policy invests throughout the EU in all MS and regions, a strong focus on the EU's poorest regions and countries has been ensured. The less developed regions (15% of the population) get the biggest trunk of the budget. € 35 bn Transition regions € 54 bn More developed regions  Regional GDP figures: 2006-07-08 GNI figures: 2007-08-09 © EuroGeographics Association for the administrative boundaries

Budget allocations per Member State (2014-2020) BG 75.88 CY 7.36 CZ 219.83 DE 192.35 DK 5.53 EE 35.90 EL 155.22 ES 285.59 FI 14.66 FR 158.53 HR 86.09 HU 219.06 IE 11.89 IT 328.23 LT 68.23 LU 0.60 LV 45.12 MT 7.25 NL 14.04 PL 775.67 PT 214.65 RO 229.94 SE 21.06 SI 30.75 SK 139.92 UK 118.40

Programming period 2007-2013 ERDF investments Social infrastructures: education-, health-, childcare-, housing infrastructure (17,9 billion EUR) E-inclusion (infrastructures & e-services, including e-health) (5,3 billion EUR) Challenges Shift to the community-based care Sustainability of investments Non-reformed health systems Alignment with the most important trends and needs Demographic change Territorial inequalities

Small group homes (Estonia)

Evidence-based approach to DI The majority of children, once they reach adulthood, are transferred to institutions for adults The most common reason for leaving institutional care is death Severely reduced life chances for adults who spent their childhood in institutions: 20% with criminal record, 14% in prostitution, 10% committed suicide (Pashkina, 2001, Russia) Young women raised in institutions 10 times more likely to be trafficked (International Organisation for Migration, Protecting Vulnerable Children in Moldova, 2007)

Thematic guidelines on deinstitutionalisation 2014-2020 Development of high-quality, individualised services in the community, including those aimed at preventing institutionalisation and the transfer of resources from institutions to the new services Planned closure of long-stay residential institutions, including a moratorium on the building of new institutions Building or renovating long-stay residential institutions is excluded, regardless of their size. Making mainstream services accessible and available to individuals with a variety of support needs Improvements in existing institutional infrastructure can only be financed in restricted cases based on INDUVIDIAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT, such as: the use of these institutions forms part of a wider strategic programme for community living but they will be phased out in the course of the transitional process; and the persons concerned, given the seriousness of their condition, require constant medical supervision. Other clearly identified and compelling cases

European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 Some Key Features Contributing to Europe 2020 strategy and objectives for smart sustainable an inclusive growth Concentration Integrated approach Ex-ante conditionality for effectiveness Result orientation Alignment with Country Specific recommendations Broad range of investments But focused on delivering the Europe 2020 objectives on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth around 12 thematic objectives One of these is supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy and is focused on EE and RES.

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and shift to community-based services European Regional Development Fund support: Social, health, education and housing infrastructure Small group homes Assisted housing Accessibility measures (access to high-quality services in the community) Targeted investments in existing large residential institutions can be justified only as transitional measures within the context of a strategy on shift to community-based services

Investments in long stay residential institutions Investments have been made in long-stay residential instituions under different thematic objectives in several countries (TO9, 4, 2) It goes qgainst the current legal framework, including the Charter, UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, Ex-ante conditionalities, etc. ERDF should not invest in long stay residential institutions, rather only in reinforcing the shift to community based services

Non-respect of the Charter by Member States Could constitute an irregularity Possible interruptions of payment deadlines Possible suspensions of payments Possible financial corrections Possible infringement proceedings under Article 258 TFEU

Partnership European level National level Cooperation with the European umbrella organisations European Expert Group on Deinstitutionalisation (EEG) Guideline and Toolkit (ESI Funds) Structural dialogue (Eurochild, European Network for Independent Living, etc.) National level Across the planning and implementation of the programmes Code of Conduct on Partnership

Thank you for your attention!