Malcolm X
Issues Racism Sexism Women’s role in society/Activism
Racism “It isn’t the American white man who is a racist, but it’s the American political, economic and social atmosphere that automatically nourishes a racist psychology in the white man.” [378] “The society has produced and nourishes a psychology which brings out the lowest, most base part of human beings.” [378] Malcolm and an American white ambassador are discussing how American society makes it impossible to not be conscious of their color differences. If Racism can be removed, America could offer a society where rich and poor could truly live like human beings.
Racism Cont... ad-called-19090103
Sexism “Always, every now and then, I had given her a hard time, just to keep her in line. Every once in awhile a woman seems to need, in fact wants this, too. But now, I would feel evil and slap her around worse than ever, some of the nights when Shorty was away. She would cry, curse me, and swear that she would never be back. But I knew she wasn't even thinking about not coming back.”(138) Money and the attention Abusive relationship Sees Sophia as an object Considered a slut because of double standards Sophia background , husband in miliatry Different women Gambles with sophia’s money that was probabl from her husband
Sexism (cont.) “...and while a man must at all times respect his woman, at the same time he needs to understand that he must control her if he expects to get her respect.” (230). Traditionals roles Men and women made to feel ashamed if they stray from the traditional values Men are the “breadwinners” Patriarchy Social system in which the male has more definite power than a woman E.g. head of household - > father or grandfather Islam’s strict teachings and laws - >the core of them being that the true nature of a man is to be strong, and a woman’s true nature is to be weak -Time when he was converted to nation of islam -used to love women a lot but then started preaching about how they needed to be controlled (islam teachings) ----- -with T.Roles, men and women are made to feel ashamed if they were to deviate from these traditional values -a lot of women becoming the ‘breadwinners’ - > one day ----- -social system in which the male has more definte power or authority than woman; -> people live in this type of society and display certain actions without realizing it -head of household is generally a male -
Sexism: The Wage Gap Between Men and Women tyanna
Malcolm X “But you’ve got to be realist about being a nigger. A lawyer-that’s no realistic goal for a nigger. You need to think about something you can be… Why don’t you plan on carpentry? ” (38) This was the moment he realized that even though he believes he is intelligent enough to be what he wanted but to other people’s eyes he is not.
Role of Women in the past “Thursday’s nights there are the M.G.T. Muslim Girls’ training) and the G.C.C. (General Civilization Class), where the women and girls of Islam are taught how to keep homes, how to rear children, how to care for husbands, how to cook, sew, how to act at home and abroad, and other things that are important to being a good Muslim sister and mother and wife” (232).
Role of Women Today A woman may be shown to advertise car parts; but, this is generally done in a sexual and seductive manner--not as if she were knowledgeable about an engine. Women are important in our society. They are nurses, teachers, lawyers, police officers, jailers, writers, sales clerks, managers, accountants, business leaders, and so much more. Women are now also able to enlist in the military force and work alongside the men in the field Some are now software engineers that work in big corporations such as Nvidia
Role of Women Today (cont.) Women are now, in some homes, the role model instead of the father for in some cases they contribute more to the family than the father There are a lot more teachers that are women instead of men now Women are now able to take on bigger jobs such as being a nuclear power plant manager Owners of businesses whether they be a large or small one are now also owned by women across the world
Role of Women Today (cont.) It is harder for women to get into high political positions According to, “only 7 of 150 elected head of state in the world are women, and only 11 of 192 heads of government” Most women who are on Forbes list of rich people in the world are already born into wealthy families and that’s how they get into high positions. “Of the 500 largest corporations in the US, only 23 have a female chief executive officer. That is just 4.6%” The lack of a political voice to address this issue is the main reason this issue still occurs in today’s society.