Welcome to Literacy Night! February 18, 2016
Everything is Possible! Meet Richard Owusu
Have you filled out… Your Chestatee’s Biggest Reader Log? 1 winner for every homeroom Awesome awards: Laughing with Livermore, Movie in the media center, and many more! Signed award from Mrs. Wiggins
Dismiss Children Ages 3-5 can go with Mr. Reed to Room 142 Chestatee students are invited to the media center for BINGO and prizes!
The Top 5 Ways to Get Your Child Reading 5. Use a timer 4. Make it a game or a challenge “I bet you can’t read this whole book tonight!” 3. Write a reading contract. I, (child’s name) __________, will read __________ minutes a day if I can (pick rewards: device time, TV, play outside, etc.)______ when I am finished. Students’ Signature_______________ Parents’ Signature________________ 2. Add “Reading” to a chore chart 1. Do it together… this is time spent together and attention your child dearly wants from you. Your reading is also great modeling.
Motivating Your Child Parent Training Monday, 2/22 at 7:15 or 2:45 Wednesday, 2/24 at 1:15 Friday, 2/26 at 7:30 or 1:15
Meet Mr. Steve Straughan And Now….The Main Event! Meet Mr. Steve Straughan
Georgia Standards of Excellence are Comprehensive
Georgia Standards of Excellence are Comprehensive
Georgia ELA Standards Build Over Time
English Language arts Common Assessments To assess the understanding and mastery of the ELA Georgia Standards of Excellence To build stamina in students To work on multi-step questions/tasks
Common Assessment Example from 1st Grade
Common Assessment Example from 3rd Grade
Common Assessment Example from 5th Grade
Learn a Literacy Game! K/1 students go to Mrs. Tatum’s Room 213 2/3 students go to Mrs. Schwartz’s Room 205 4/5 students go to Mrs. Faulkner’s Room 307
Closing! Ticket Out the Door Raffle Drawing!