Independent Living Fund Scotland New Fund Engagement Event Taken out the block text to have Initial capital followed by lower case. Easier to make out the word shape. Changed ‘stakeholder’ to ‘consultation’ The crux of this presentation will be on the ‘Easy Speak’ and an easy to understand description of the text on the slides.
Agenda Welcome, Introduction, Background Getting started Workshop 1 Lunch Workshop 2 Feedback Next steps A verbal explanation of each bullet point. Took out Co-Production from Working Group – as you refer to the ‘Working Group’ as the ‘Working Group’ If you keep in co-production you will need to explain this concept .
Introduction and Background ILF UK ILF Scotland ILF Scotland + New Fund
Workshop – Session 1
Workshop - Session 2
Final Thoughts Have you had your views heard? What haven’t we thought of? What could we do better in future events? Are there any messages you would like us to take back to the working group? Can we say which ministerial department? Or who the minister is?
Next Steps Feedback forms Timescale for report Who we are meeting next Is there anyone else we should meet?
Further Contact 0300 200 2022 @ILFScotland