How can psychology affect performance? Motivation: Motivation can be described as an internal state, that activates, directs and sustains behaviour towards achieving a set goal. In elite sport; motivation can easily be studies and observed through watching athletes that go beyond the realm of pain and discomfort to achieve a goal. E.G (A marathon runner in the last two kilometres) What drives the athlete to keep pushing? Motivation is the principle / driving force behind an athlete pushing on through pain and or completing an activity which may require extreme mental strength.
How can psychology affect performance? Anxiety: (is predominantly a psychological process characterised by fear or apprehension in anticipation of confronting a situation perceived to be potentially threatening.) Anxiety is extremely complex At the top of anxiety = it disrupts focus, concentration and can affect Muscular control We all feel anxiety in different ways every day! = At the extreme and Especially in sport anxiety can contribute to poorer performance. It can be called = choking
How can psychology affect performance? Anxiety: There are two types of anxiety TRAIT= The general level of stress that an individual can handle. -It is evident in day to day activities we deal with -It ranges from one person to another -If well trained in public speaking (no probs) if not then anxiety will set in -Can be controlled by relaxation techniques or progressive Muscular relaxation STATE: Is a more specific type of anxiety, eg it can fluctuate, -eg when an athlete has a penalty goal. -It comes from a fear of failure -It can contribute to a feeling of mental and physical paralysis preventing normal actions -Some sports have modified their equipment to try and accommodate state anxiety -E.G long handle golf putters
How can psychology affect performance? Sources of stress: Stress is a non specific response by the body when a demand has been placed upon it. Stress has the potential to cause body reactions (shaking and nausea) So what causes stress? = an increase in adrenaline
How can psychology affect performance? Characteristics of stress: Increased blood supply More oxygen Increased glucose production Increased sweat production Tightened muscles
How can psychology affect performance? Sources of stress: Stress can be real or imaginary. Real – spiders in your bed Imaginative – Just thinking about spiders in your bed. Both can cause immediate body changes. The mind finds it very hard to differentiate between real or imagined experience. Imaginative stress can cause increased sweat and HR
How can psychology affect performance? Sources of stress: Stress depends on the individual = meaning genetic make up and coping strategies. E.G (A lot of people go to the toilet to relieve anxiety or chew gum) How a person can handle stress will reflect the following attributes: -past experience – routines – expectations – amount of support - frequency of stress Stress can come from - Lack of income – family problems – relationship problems – illness
How can psychology affect performance? Sources of stress: In sport stress can come from - personal pressure = desire to win - competition pressure = exerted by competition - social pressure = from coaches, parents or other athletes - physical pressure = having to perform learned skill under pressure
How can psychology affect performance? Sources of stress / how to deal with it: Relaxation techniques Practice of focusing on the skill not the result By developing confidence in your skills Planning strategies
How can psychology affect performance? OPTIMAL AROUSAL: Arousal is the level of anxiety before or during a performance. Arousal is different to anxiety as arousal is essentially a physiological process. Arousal is necessary for athletes to have. It can increase performance or decrease it depending on the level.
How can psychology affect performance? Levels of arousal are very much dependant on the athlete. Two examples: Those athletes who have high anxiety usually will require less arousal Those athletes who have a low anxiety level will require more arousal A surfer performs really poor due to a lack of motivation and energy due to poor performance prior. Low arousal A golfer performs a putt poorly due to a high level of motivation and anxiety (they become to tense) high arousal
How can psychology affect performance? Optimum arousal: Both a high and a low arousal will result in a poor performance. Optimum Arousal can be reached by achieving a middle ground (this changes for different skills and for different people) Motivation, reinforcement and anxiety all affect arousal and how an athlete reaches their optimum arousal. It is the coaches and athletes job to know about their levels of arousal and how they can achieve their optimal arousal.
How can psychology affect performance? Optimum Arousal:
How can psychology affect performance? Optimal Arousal: The last diagram = the inverted u hypothesis At the height of the curve = optimal arousal. Equal arousal = great performance Too low = no motivation, lacks in energy. Too high = to stressed, Muscular paralysis
How can psychology affect performance? Arousal varies from one skill to another, usually hard skills (multi muscular = archery, golf) need a lower arousal and easy skills (large muscle groups running = weight lifting) need high arousal.
How can psychology affect performance? Optimal arousal depends on: -self expectation -expectation by others -experience -financial pressures -level of competition -degree of difficulty -skills finesse When arousal is controlled it will produce quality performances.
How can psychology affect performance? Optimum arousal: Make a graph that represents the following sports in relation to arousal: Rowing Pistol shooting Discuss throwing Weight lifting Golf put Tennis serve Penalty kick (soccer)
How can psychology affect performance? Managing anxiety: Uncontrolled anxiety can have a negative impact on performance, but a complete lack of motivation will also result in poor performance. Concentration /attention skills Concentration is about focusing on doing, not on thinking about doing. So an athlete needs to be able to focus on the task at hand and not on the emotions and thoughts associated with completing the task. When concentration is evident there is an uninterrupted link between movement and execution. Psychologists refer to SELF 1 AND OR SELF 2: SELF 1 = INFORMATION COLLECTION ASKING QUESTIONS SELF 2 = EXECUTION AND TASK COMPLETION In training self 1 is catered for however when an athlete is in a game they should rely more on self 2.
How can psychology affect performance? Training therefore should be centred around getting athletes to focus on the task at hand, completing that task. We term this focusing on the process rather than the outcome Why would an athlete want to focus on the process rather than the outcome? = well this gets the athlete thinking about the technique and not the result.
How can psychology affect performance? Athletes should be able to widen and narrow their concentration and attention skills throughout a game: focus just on the shot, then have to focus on their defence as well. Coach reinforcement and feedback is one way that the athlete is told what to focus on during a game. The coach may yell out “stay on number 9” to focus the athlete on defending that specific player. Improved concentration ultimately raises confidence, level of arousal and focus on their goals.