The Curriculum Framework for Romani


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Presentation transcript:

The Curriculum Framework for Romani David Little

Council of Europe policy The Council of Europe was established to defend human rights, parliamentary democracy and the rule of law It attaches great importance to language learning as a means of preserving linguistic and cultural identity, improving communication and mutual understanding, and combating intolerance and xenophobia The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) was developed to support Council of Europe policy by providing “a common basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses, curriculum guidelines, examinations, textbooks, etc. across Europe” (CEFR, p.1) The Curriculum Framework for Romani was developed in accordance with the same policy and is designed to perform the same function for Romani Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009

Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009 The CEFR The CEFR defines language proficiency at six levels arranged in three bands: A1 and A2 (basic user) B1 and B2 (independent user) C1 and C2 (proficient user) We can use these common reference levels as a starting point for the elaboration of language syllabuses and curriculum guidelines the design of learning materials and activities the assessment of learning outcomes Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009

The CEFR’s action-oriented approach It is fundamental to the CEFR’s action-oriented approach that we use language to perform social acts, to get things done Thus the successive proficiency levels are defined in terms of what learners can do in the second/foreign language(s) they know or are learning E.g. A1 Reading: Can understand very short, simple texts a single phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words and basic phrases and rereading as required The common reference levels comprise more than scales of “can do” descriptors: the behavioural description of second/foreign language proficiency is complemented by scales of linguistic competence/language quality and strategic competence The Curriculum Framework for Romani limits itself to scaled descriptions of communicative behaviour Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009

The Curriculum Framework for Romani Draws on the CEFR’s action-oriented approach and common reference levels to develop a resource for educational planners curriculum/syllabus designers textbook writers and materials developers teachers and teacher trainers examiners But note: The Curriculum Framework for Romani is not a teaching tool Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009

CFR: design considerations The Framework should encompass the needs of three categories of learner Those for whom Romani is the medium of education Those who may hear Romani at home but have not developed a productive proficiency Those for whom Romani is not a language of the home It should cater for learners in three age groups 3-6 years 6-10 years 10-14/15 years Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009

CFR: design considerations The CFR should be based on the first four levels of the CEFR: A1 − The first identifiable level of proficiency: learners can use simple phrases or single words to respond to questions or to give basic information on very familiar topics A2 − Learners can interact and react in a basic way to familiar everyday situations B1 − Learners can interact in a range of different contexts and can cope with more challenging though still routine situations B2 − Learners are much more aware of language and have the confidence and ability to control communicative situations Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009

CFR: design considerations The Framework should be user-friendly: not too long, not too complex, and largely self-explanatory It should be of immediate practical use to educational planners, syllabus designers, textbook writers, teachers and examiners It should be graded so that it reflects progression in learning It should include the skills of Listening, Reading, Spoken Interaction, Spoken Production and Writing It should be organized around themes/contexts/situations of particular relevance to Roma culture (determined in consultation with a group of Roma experts) Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009

Themes/contexts/situations Personal identity Myself and my family The house/caravan and its activities Relevance to daily life My community At school Food and clothes Reflecting experiences Festivals and celebrations Travel and transport etc. General/educational relevance Time, seasons, weather Nature and animals Heritage and culture Roma crafts and professions Hobbies and the arts

Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009 CFR: descriptors For each theme/context/situation a grid of “can do” descriptors defines proficiency at four levels in relation to five activities: listening, reading, spoken interaction, spoken production, writing (general and Roma-specific) These grids are followed by “I can” checklists that are organized by level and skill describe possible classroom activities are not divided into general and Roma-specific descriptors can be used by teachers and learners to identify learning targets, monitor learning progress, and record learning outcomes The checklists are central to two generic European Language Portfolios that have been developed to support implementation of the Curriculum Framework for Romani Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009

Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009 Romanipe … is a continuous thread that is woven through the descriptors … connects different themes Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009

Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009 Transversality There are many logical connections between themes This allows materials designers and teachers to expand freely on themes Example: Myself  The house/caravan  Festivals and celebrations  Food and clothes etc. Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009

How descriptors were developed Select relevant descriptors from the CEFR: self-assessment grid and illustrative scales Bring CEFR descriptors into interaction with Roma themes/contexts/situations Reformulate CEFR descriptors so that they reflect Roma themes/contexts/situations and are age-appropriate Reformulate Romani descriptors to yield checklist descriptors Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009

Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009 Example: A2 listening CEFR: Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment) provided speech is clearly and slowly articulated CFR theme/context/situation: Myself and my family CFR general: Can follow the important points in contextualised instructions or advice given by a teacher or another adult in school or in a location related to school activities CFR Roma-specific: Can understand the main points in a conversation on a familiar topic between adult family members; can follow conversations between other children during play; can understand in general what an older person is saying when blessing a child CFR checklist descriptors: I can understand when my teacher tells me something new I can understand what my friends are saying when we are doing something together I can understand some of the conversation between adults in my family I can understand some of the words in a blessing Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009

Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009 See for yourself To download: The Curriculum Framework for Romani The two generic European Language Portfolios for learners of Romani (6−11 and 11−16) The teacher’s guide to the European Language Portfolios Reports on the seminars held in Strasbourg in June 2007 and November 2008 go to Select “Minorities and Migrants” Select “Romani” Select “Documents/tools” Languages of schooling conference, Council of Europe, 8−10 June 2009