What is the value of x2 + 3yz if x = 3, y = 6, and z = 4? B. 33 C. 72 D. 81 5-Minute Check 1
Solve 2(x – 7) = 5x + 4. A. –6 B. C. 2 D. 6 5-Minute Check 2
Students will be able to identify and model points, lines, and planes. Students will be able to identify intersecting lines and planes. Splash Screen
Mathematical Practices 4 Model with mathematics. Content Standards G.CO.1 Know precise definitions of angle, circle, perpendicular line, parallel line, and line segment, based on the undefined notions of point, line, distance along a line, and distance around a circular arc. Mathematical Practices 4 Model with mathematics. 6 Attend to precision. CCSS
undefined term definition defined term space point line plane collinear coplanar intersection Vocabulary
A. Use the figure to name a line containing point K. Name Lines and Planes A. Use the figure to name a line containing point K. Answer: The line can be named as line a. There are three points on the line. Any two of the points can be used to name the line. Example 1
B. Use the figure to name a plane containing point L. Name Lines and Planes B. Use the figure to name a plane containing point L. You can also use the letters of any three noncollinear points to name the plane. plane JKM plane KLM plane JLM Answer: The plane can be named as plane B. Example 1
A. Use the figure to name a line containing the point X. A. line X B. line c C. line Z D. Example 1a
A. Name the geometric shape modeled by a 10 12 patio. Model Points, Lines, and Planes A. Name the geometric shape modeled by a 10 12 patio. Answer: The patio models a plane. Example 2
B. Name the geometric shape modeled by a button on a table. Model Points, Lines, and Planes B. Name the geometric shape modeled by a button on a table. Answer: The button on the table models a point on a plane. Example 2
Draw a surface to represent plane R and label it. Draw Geometric Figures Draw a surface to represent plane R and label it. Example 3
Draw a line anywhere on the plane. Draw Geometric Figures Draw a line anywhere on the plane. Example 3
Draw dots on the line for point A and B. Label the points. Draw Geometric Figures Draw dots on the line for point A and B. Label the points. Example 3
Draw Geometric Figures Example 3
Draw dots on this line for point D and E. Label the points. Draw Geometric Figures Draw dots on this line for point D and E. Label the points. Example 3
Label the intersection point of the two lines as P. Draw Geometric Figures Label the intersection point of the two lines as P. Example 3
Draw Geometric Figures Answer: Example 3
Draw Geometric Figures Answer: There are an infinite number of points that are collinear with Q and R. In the graph, one such point is T(1, 0). Example 3
A. How many planes appear in this figure? Interpret Drawings A. How many planes appear in this figure? Answer: There are two planes: plane S and plane ABC. Example 4
B. Name three points that are collinear. Interpret Drawings B. Name three points that are collinear. Answer: Points A, B, and D are collinear. Example 4
Answer: The two lines intersect at point A. Interpret Drawings Answer: The two lines intersect at point A. Example 4
A. How many planes appear in this figure? A. one B. two C. three D. four Example 4a
C. Are points X, O, and R coplanar? A. yes B. no C. cannot be determined Example 4c
Homework : Pg 8 #’s 13-35