Kansas Library Express Tips for Success with KLE


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Presentation transcript:

Kansas Library Express Tips for Success with KLE Carolyn Little KLE Courier Coordinator KLA Interlibrary Loan Roundtable Fall Meeting October 20, 2010, updated September, 2015, updated September 2017

Contact Information Carolyn Little KLE Courier Coordinator Northeast Kansas Library System 785-838-4090 clittle@nekls.org Use Northeast Kansas Library System KS131 address label to send items to Carolyn

Shipping Methods Kansas Library Express nylon bag (red) NExpress nylon bag (blue) Your library’s shipping bag Lending library’s shipping bag Padded shipping envelope or box Tubs provided by Kansas Library Express

When Not to ship in KLE bags When sending materials with other carriers including USPS or other courier companies When materials are fragile or valuable enough to require insurance or tracking When sending documents or items that must be delivered to an individual Note: Return bags from other courier networks to the Northeast Kansas Library System KS131

Tub shipments Use tubs for any large shipment (20-25 books, equipment, supplies) up to 40 pounds Secure Henry label in address window on lid. Address windows may come off the tub. Place address of both sending and receiving library on half-sheet of paper inside the tub. Secure the lid with cable ties on both sides of the tub.

Packaging Care for Fragile Items Send DVDs or CDs in padded albums, not hard plastic cases. Cushion DVD albums and paperbacks with additional bubble wrap or cardboard sleeves inside a courier bag. Fill bag with crushed paper to prevent shifting. Use large bags only when necessary. Excess fabric may be caught in sorting equipment.

Care required for box shipments Cardboard will absorb moisture. Use nylon bags to protect cardboard shipping material. If re-using a cardboard box, remove or mark out old address information. Ship in KLE tubs when possible. Place sending and receiving address in box. Pack with paper to prevent shifting and tape securely.

Supply Returns and Requests Request additional supplies from the Courier Coordinator courier@nekls.org Return surplus bags using Henry address label for Northeast Kansas Library System Ship bags folded or flat to prevent damage to address window Report damaged or excessively dirty bags to Northeast Kansas Library System

Extending bag life If bag arrives soiled or torn, note sending library and return to Courier Coordinator. There may be a problem on a route or in a sorting center. Avoid use of tape. The residue makes delivery detail hard to read and must be removed. Do not “stuff” more items into a bag than will easily fit.

Addressing Packages Use labels from Henry Industries website, http://henryindustriesinc.com/ Compare delivery code in AGent ship-to address to Henry label. See instructions from Rhonda Machlan, “Using the KLE Delivery Code” on the KLE website http://kslibexpress.mykansaslibrary.org/2010/07/using-the-kle-delivery-code/ Tape or glue the shipping label to an index card.

Pay Extra Attention When Shipping to libraries with similar names Goddard and Goodland Pioneer Memorial and Plainville Memorial or to cities with more than one library such as: McPherson College and McPherson Public Tip: To avoid mix-ups, search the Henry address file by using the delivery code. Each library’s code is unique.

Avoid Delays Common mistakes to avoid: Wrong address label is prepared by shipper. Right label chosen but inserted with reverse side of prepared card facing up. Postal address label or outdated label is used. Outgoing items are placed in different pick-up area, and driver isn’t informed. Mis-delivered items are not reported promptly.

Reporting Delays and Errors Report delivery errors or delays promptly. Report mis-delivered items so error can be corrected immediately. Report any delay exceeding 2 hours. If courier service is missed for any reason, notify the Courier Coordinator by phone (785-838-4090) or email (courier@nekls.org). If items addressed to another library are delivered to your library, notify Carolyn as soon as possible.

Reporting Missing Items Check with library shipping item Confirm item was not re-shelved. Confirm item was shipped on Kansas Library Express. Allow time for a delivery error to be corrected. Email courier@nekls.org with the following: Title, Author, call #, barcode, destination and date of shipment

Damaged Items Fill out Lost or Damaged Materials Report found on Kansas Library Express website. http://kslibexpress.mykansaslibrary.org/2012/03/procedure-for-reporting-lost-or-damaged-materials/ Send report to the Courier Coordinator by courier, email (courier@nekls.org) or fax (785-838-3989) Damaged items may be requested by Henry management. Save all packaging and do not discard item or return it to the home library. This is not a rapid claim process. Henry reimburses after several claims are filed. The percentage of shipments reported damaged items remains less than .01%.

Lost Items Claim Process Verify that the item was shipped to your library on Kansas Library Express. Email courier@nekls.org with details. Announcements of missing materials are sent by KLE coordinator to other courier libraries. After two months, contact sending library to confirm item has not been returned. Borrowing library applies to State Library’s Materials Replacement Fund for reimbursement to lending library. http://sekls.org/material-replacement

Monthly Reporting of Courier Shipping Use online form to report monthly statistics on KLE website http://kslibexpress.mykansaslibrary.org/monthly-statistical-forms/ Totals are estimated based on of number of bags and tubs you report. Exact number of individual items may be submitted. Do NOT count both bags AND items. This will give an inflated count of items shipped.

Website Lists and Forms List of Courier Libraries Includes OCLC and Delivery Codes Courier Policy Committee Members Advisory group representing courier libraries New member forms Participation Agreement Directory Form Bookmark and use the KLE website: http://kslibexpress.mykansaslibrary.org