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The Age of Imperialism

The Age of Imperialism Imperialism: The takeover of a country or territory by a stronger nation with the intent of dominating the economic, political.
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Presentation transcript:


Forms of Imperialism FORMS OF IMPERIALISM CHARACTERISTICS Colony A country or region governed internally by a foreign power Protectorate A country with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power Sphere of Influence An area in which an outside power claims exclusive trading privileges Economic Imperialism Independent but less developed nations controlled by private business interests rather than by other government

Forms of Imperialism Types of Management INDIRECT CONTROL DIRECT CONTROL Local government officials were used Limited self-rule GOAL: to develop future leaders Government institutions are based on European styles but may have local rules Foreign officials brought in to rule No self-rule GOAL: assimilation (the process in which a minority group adopts the customs of the prevailing culture) Government institutions based only on European styles Paternalism: people governed in a fatherly way where their needs are provided for but they’re not given rights

Causes of Imperialism Agricultural Revolution The Agricultural revolution led to the Industrial Revolution This led to the need of more resources for the growing population, it was this need that drove countries to colonize

Causes of Imperialism: Agricultural Revolution Industrial Revolution Nationalism 4) Social Darwinism

“Whatever happens, we have got the Maxim gun, and they have not.” One English writer put it this way: “Whatever happens, we have got the Maxim gun, and they have not.”

The Age of Imperialism 1850-1914 Imperialism: The takeover of a country or territory by a stronger nation with the intent of dominating the economic, political and social life of the people of that nation

Causes of Imperialism Economic: The Industrial Revolution caused a need for resources to fuel industrial production in Europe and the United States Where would these resources come from? Africa Asia

Causes of Imperialism Social: Social Darwinism: the idea that those who were fittest for survival and success were superior to others Because of Social Darwinism, Europeans felt they had the right and duty to bring progress to other nations Need to Christianize the people of Asia and Africa Need to civilize and “westernize” others

Rudyard Kipling, author of The Jungle Book, was an Anglo-Indian – an Englishman who was born in India. His ideas about imperialism can be seen in a poem he wrote in 1889, called The White Man’s Burden: “Take up the White Man’s Burden – Send forth the best ye breed – Go bind your sons to exile To serve your captives’ need; To wait in heavy harness On fluttered folk and wild – Your new caught, sullen peoples Half devil and half-child.”

Causes of Imperialism Military and Nationalism Taking ports around the world allowed the military to have strategic areas to protect trade Colonies gave manpower to armies, particularly Britain This fed into nationalism, wanting to show you are the greatest country in the world by colonizing the world

Causes of Imperialism Summary: Military a) more people for larger army b) strategic areas of the world to control trade 2) Economic: Industrial Revolution a) need more and more natural resources to use in factories b) need new supplies of labor to keep wages low c) need to find new markets of people to buy products 3) Nationalism a) countries prove their greatness by acquiring colonies b) countries compete with each other to get more colonies 4) Social Darwinism a) strong countries should rule over weak countries b) spread Western Civilization

Where Did Colonization Happen? Africa

What Enabled African Imperialism? Europeans’ technological superiority (including the machine gun) Improvements in transportation to and within Asian and African colonies Disunity among ethnic groups in Africa

No African leaders attended this meeting… Why might that be unfair?? Imperialism in Africa Berlin Conference, 1884-1885 European nations met to lay down rules for the division of Africa Any European nation could claim land in Africa by telling the others and showing they could control the area Europeans paid no attention to the ethnic and linguistic divisions in Africa when dividing it amongst themselves No African leaders attended this meeting… Why might that be unfair??

Impact of Imperialism in Africa POSITIVE Local warfare reduced Improved sanitation Hospitals led to increased lifespan Schools led to increased literacy Economic growth NEGATIVE Loss of land and independence Men forced to work in European owned mines and on European owned farms Contempt for traditional culture and admiration of European culture = identity problems Dividing up of Africa = artificial boundaries divided kinship groups and united rivals

Where Did Colonization Happen? Asia

Asian Imperialism Asia will also be divided and technologically behind Europe China will be divided into spheres on influence but not conquered Japan will respond by very quickly modernizing and becoming an imperialist nation of its own (Meiji Restoration)

Opium Wars China will declare war on the British for selling opium and turning many Chinese into addicts The British will win and force the Chinese to sign the treaty of Nanjing The treaty gave Britain Hong Kong, and spheres of influence in China The treaty will also lead to the Ti-Ping rebellion which led to over 10,000,000 dead Chinese, the worst rebellion in world history

Imperialism in 1914