Basketball Break-out Session Presented By: Shanell L. Young Director of Athletics
OBJECTIVES FHSAA Basketball Finals NFHS Updates & Points of Emphasis Field Clinics and Camps Miscellaneous
FHSAA FINALS Lakeland Center New Finals Format Contract Extension 2014 8 Classes in current 4 day format Time schedule is TBD Odd classes Wed.-Thur. Even classes Fri.-Sat.
FHSAA FINALS New State Series Ball Spalding Legacy Ball Will allow the schools to use the TF1000 with an approved waiver from the FHSAA office.
2011-12 NFHS Updated Rules
NFHS Changes - 1-3-1 The center restraining circle specifications were changed to permit a minimum of a ¼-inch-wide single line but a line no wider than 2-inches to designate the outer edge of the circle. Contrasting colored-floor areas are still permissible. Rationale: Many existing courts already have a center circle that has a single ¼ -inch line. A mathematical line between two solid colors is also permitted in Table 1-1, Supplement to the Basketball Court, No. 3. This change provides consistency in the rule. The center restraining circle specifications were changed to permit a minimum of a ¼-inch-wide single line but a line no wider than 2-inches to designate the outer edge of the circle. Contrasting colored-floor areas are still permissible. Rationale: Many existing courts already have a center circle that has a single ¼ -inch line. A mathematical line between two solid colors is also permitted in Table 1-1, Supplement to the Basketball Court, No. 3. This change provides consistency in the rule.
NFHS Changes - 3-5-3 New The specifications regarding arm compression sleeves were changed to require the item to be white, black, beige or a single solid school color, be the same color for each team member and have only a single manufacturer’s logo that does not exceed 2 ¼ square inches. Arm compression sleeves must still be worn for medical purposes. Rationale: This rules change provides clarification and makes enforcement more consistent for officials. The specifications regarding arm compression sleeves were changed to require the item to be white, black, beige or a single solid school color, be the same color for each team member and have only a single manufacturer’s logo that does not exceed 2 ¼ square inches. Arm compression sleeves must still be worn for medical purposes. Rationale: Under the previous rule, arm compression sleeves had no logo restrictions, could have been multiple colors and teammates could have worn different colors. This rules change provides clarification and makes enforcement more consistent for officials.
NFHS Changes - 4-12-1, 4-12-2 & 4-12-6 Several definitions were changed to reflect that team control will now exist during a throw-in when the thrower-in has the ball at his/her disposal. The change primarily affects how foul penalties will be administered. Rationale: By changing the definition of player and team control to include a throw-in, greater consistency in the penalty for a common foul is achieved. This rules change will result in greater consistency in the penalties for common fouls, eliminate confusion on rule application and speed up the contest by eliminating the delay inherent with administering free throws. Several definitions were changed to reflect that team control will now exist during a throw-in when the thrower-in has the ball at his/her disposal. The change primarily affects how foul penalties will be administered. Rationale: By changing the definition of player and team control to include a throw-in, greater consistency in the penalty for a common foul is achieved. This rules change will result in greater consistency in the penalties for common fouls, eliminate confusion on rule application and speed up the contest by eliminating the delay inherent with administering free throws.
NFHS EDITORIAL CHANGES 1-11-2, 3 Updated specifications were added to the basket-ring rules. A note was also added recommending that basket rings be inspected for rules compliance. Rationale: The changes will more accurately describe the products used in the marketplace and encourage some type of equipment inspection. 1-11-2, 3 Updated specifications were added to the basket-ring rules. A note was also added recommending that basket rings be inspected for rules compliance. Rationale: The changes will more accurately describe the products used in the marketplace and encourage some type of equipment inspection.
NFHS EDITORIAL CHANGES 2-2-4 New Note A note was added clarifying the administrative responsibilities of game officials through the completion of required reports. Rationale: The administrative duties for game officials needed to be extended after the game to document actions which occur during the game. This revision illustrates the difference between the game officials’ jurisdiction during the game and other administrative responsibilities such as submitting specific reports after the game. 2-2-4 New Note A note was added clarifying the administrative responsibilities of game officials through the completion of required reports. Rationale: The administrative duties for game officials needed to be extended after the game to document actions which occur during the game. This revision illustrates the difference between the game officials’ jurisdiction during the game and other administrative responsibilities such as submitting specific reports after the game.
NFHS EDITORIAL CHANGES 3-4-1c New Note A new note was added recommending that the visiting team’s dark jersey be the darker of the school’s color scheme or black. Rationale: Many schools believe that a contrasting dark-colored jersey need only be a color other than white. When visiting teams wear light blue, light gold or light silver, it is difficult to differentiate them from the home white jerseys. 3-4-1c New Note A new note was added recommending that the visiting team’s dark jersey be the darker of the school’s color scheme or black. Rationale: Many schools believe that a contrasting dark-colored jersey need only be a color other than white. When visiting teams wear light blue, light gold or light silver, it is difficult to differentiate them from the home white jerseys.
NFHS EDITORIAL CHANGES 3-5-1 New Note A new note was added authorizing state associations to grant exceptions to NFHS playing rules for participants with disabilities, special needs and/or extenuating circumstances. Rationale: Clarifies that an individual state association may authorize exceptions to NFHS playing rules to provide reasonable accommodations to individual participants with disabilities and/or special needs or other unique and extenuating circumstances. Such exceptions are not considered rules modifications since they are not general in nature; rather, they are limited to the circumstances of specific individual participants. 3-5-1 New Note A new note was added authorizing state associations to grant exceptions to NFHS playing rules for participants with disabilities, special needs and/or extenuating circumstances. Rationale: Clarifies that an individual state association may authorize exceptions to NFHS playing rules to provide reasonable accommodations to individual participants with disabilities and/or special needs or other unique and extenuating circumstances. Such exceptions are not considered rules modifications since they are not general in nature; rather, they are limited to the circumstances of specific individual participants.
NFHS EDITORIAL CHANGES 4-19-3 The definition of an intentional foul was clarified and reorganized. Rationale: Clarification. 5-11 &12 The sections related to charged time-outs were consolidated and reorganized. Section 5-12 became unnecessary and was deleted. 4-19-3 The definition of an intentional foul was clarified and reorganized. Rationale: Clarification. 5-11 &12 The sections related to charged time-outs were consolidated and reorganized. Section 5-12 became unnecessary and was deleted.
NFHS EDITORIAL CHANGES 6-4-3e, g & Note Alternating-possession throw-in situations were clarified. Rationale: Current items e. and g. were inaccurate given the point of interruption procedure in 4-36. The Note was also clarified. 6-4-3e, g & Note Alternating-possession throw-in situations were clarified. Rationale: Current items e. and g. were inaccurate given the point of interruption procedure in 4-36. The Note was also clarified.
NFHS EDITORIAL CHANGES 8-6-2, 8-6-3 New, 8-7 The penalty administration for when single fouls occur as part of a multiple free-throw situation and when a double foul occurs as part of a multiple free-throw situation was clarified. Based on these editorial changes, Section 8-7 became unnecessary and was deleted. Rationale: Clarification. 8-6-2, 8-6-3 New, 8-7 The penalty administration for when single fouls occur as part of a multiple free-throw situation and when a double foul occurs as part of a multiple free-throw situation was clarified. Based on these editorial changes, Section 8-7 became unnecessary and was deleted. Rationale: Clarification.
NFHS EDITORIAL CHANGES 9-2-10 Penalty 4 Clarified that when an opponent contacts the thrower-in, an intentional foul shall be charged to the offender. Rationale: Any type of contact on a thrower is an intentional foul. The defender does not actually have to break the boundary plane. This clarification will assist in more consistent enforcement. 9-2-10 Penalty 4 Clarified that when an opponent contacts the thrower-in, an intentional foul shall be charged to the offender. Rationale: Any type of contact on a thrower is an intentional foul. The defender does not actually have to break the boundary plane. This clarification will assist in more consistent enforcement.
2011-13 MAJOR MECHANICS CHANGES 2.2.2.C.6 New Crew of Two Only: The Trail will mirror the Lead’s stop-and start-clock (chop) signal to ensure proper court coverage. Rationale: This is the three-person mechanic. Too many times in a crew of two it is hard for the timer to see the Lead start the clock. This was the rationale for three-person mechanics, so the same technique should be used for a crew of two. It is also good training for those transitioning from a crew of two to three. 2.2.2.C.6 New Crew of Two Only: The Trail will mirror the Lead’s stop-and start-clock (chop) signal to ensure proper court coverage. Rationale: This is the three-person mechanic. Too many times in a crew of two it is hard for the timer to see the Lead start the clock. This was the rationale for three-person mechanics, so the same technique should be used for a crew of two. It is also good training for those transitioning from a crew of two to three.
2011-13 MAJOR MECHANICS CHANGES 2.4.4.B.4 & 3.4.4.B.4 A visible signal (point to the table) was added to indicate when the timer should start the clock on a time-out. Rationale: Helps to provide consistent administration of time-out situations. 2.4.4.B.4 & 3.4.4.B.4 A visible signal (point to the table) was added to indicate when the timer should start the clock on a time-out. Rationale: Helps to provide consistent administration of time-out situations.
FHSAA Field Clinics & Summer Camps
PURPOSE OF AN EVALUATION PROGRAM The Purpose Discover excellence Stimulate improvement Give officials accurate data for reflection Ascertain weaknesses Give measures for improvement
THE GOALS OF AN EVALUATION PROGRAM To improve individual officials To rank order individual officials Promote standardized mechanics through the evaluation process To be consistent Stop the biasness of the observers
2011 12 FIELD CLINICS & CAMPS 2nd Annual FHSAA Evaluation Camp Date: July 15-17 Site: UAA office & ESPN Wide World of Sports Purpose: To match the increase in number of games, physical play and knowledge demands on State Series officials Evaluation/Education tool by both attending officials and the FHSAA. This camp will provide the attendees the chance to gather preseason knowledge for improvement. Any official that appears on your top two (2) crews for the FHSAA Finals must have either had an FHSAA state finals game evaluation or an FHSAA evaluation camp evaluation within the last three years (3). 2nd Annual FHSAA Evaluation Camp Date: July 15-17 Site: UAA office & ESPN Wide World of Sports Purpose: To match the increase in number of games, physical play and knowledge demands on State Series officials Evaluation/Education tool by both attending officials and the FHSAA. This camp will provide the attendees the chance to gather preseason knowledge for improvement. Any official that appears on your top two (2) crews for the FHSAA Finals must have either had an FHSAA state finals game evaluation or an FHSAA evaluation camp evaluation within the last three years (3).
For more information on Field Clinics Visit: 2011 12 FIELD CLINICS & CAMPS Guidelines: Must be in good standing with the FHSAA Must be a rank 1 or 2 by FHSAA standards Must have at least four years of FHSAA experience Must be recommended by your association’s president Must not have been assigned to the FHSAA State Finals Semi-Finals or Finals in the last two years in either Girls or Boys tournaments Cost: $60 – Will include field clinic credit Guidelines: Must be in good standing with the FHSAA Must be a rank 1 or 2 by FHSAA standards Must have at least four years of FHSAA experience Must be recommended by your association’s president Must not have been assigned to the FHSAA State Finals Semi-Finals or Finals in the last two years in either Girls or Boys tournaments Cost: $60 – Will include field clinic credit For more information on Field Clinics Visit:
Officials Forms & Miscellaneous Information
Enforcement & Reporting AT6 Enforcement & Reporting Miscellaneous Section Spectator issues Facility issues Game ball issues Uniform issues Etc. Enforcement & Reporting Miscellaneous Section Spectator issues Facility issues Game ball issues Uniform issues Etc.
Exceptional Sportsmanship Reports! AT7 Changing the Environment Officials Role Support System Awards Programs Coach/Athlete Relationships Recruiting Student officials Exceptional Sportsmanship Reports! Changing the Environment Officials Role Support System Awards Programs Coach/Athlete Relationships Recruiting Student officials
RECRUITING OFFICIALS! Coaches Friends Family members Students! Student Official Program Student Mentor Guide Power Point Presentation
IMPORTANT DATES Exams BK Recommendations Rules Video Oct 7-20th Online Open Book – Oct 21st - 26th Written Closed book – Discontinued Online Closed Book – Nov 3rd - 14th Online Make-up – Dec 2nd – Dec 6th BK Recommendations Emailed to association Nov. 28th 2011 Due Jan 13th 2012
For more Basketball information! Basketball Contacts Shanell Young, Boys & Girls Basketball ext. 310 Email: Dr. Peggy Jones, Associate Executive Director ext. 180 Email: Jana Horton, Officials Registrar ext. 290 Email: For more Basketball information!
Thanks for Attending! Shanell L. Young, Director of Athletics