1 TOOLS – New strategies and tools for development of business environment in marginal rural areas , Finland, Italy & Estonia Kainuu Rural Womens Advisory Centre
2 Women´s Resource Centre - Woimala Women´s Resource Centre Woimala opened in October ProAgria – Kainuu Rural Women´s Advisory Centre, Development Centre of Kajaani and The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare are promoters of Woimala.
3 The target group Women of various ages and in different phases of life. They need advising, supporting or training for personal life, working life and as women entrepreneurs. The target group also includes associations and jobs dominated by women.
4 What it has to offer? Themes Business Working Skills & networking Structures of daily life Counselling Training Meeting facilities Working spaces Activities Counselling for work and equlity Trainings and activities for work, regional development and equality Counselling for supporting integrating work and family Activities Meeting groups Meeting facilities for associations and organisations
5 Products and services of Women Resource Centre 1) Advising - business advising, - equality advising, - supporting of the structure of family life 2) Training 3) Meeting services 4) Network actions
6 Room for rent There are spaces for starting women entrepreneurs and for training. Woimala has a display window for rent. There entrepreneurs could display they products. Woimala makes available for rent also spaces for meeting and training session to entrepreneurs and different organizations.
7 Women´s Expert Register of Kainuu Women´s expert register is available on the website 23 entrepreneurs from different fields in tourism, marketing, training, consulting, welfare services and economy services. They are from all over the Kainuu. It allows to easier find different business women experts in the area. Registration and information access are free on charge.
8 MARKETING - Marketing area surveys - Pricing - Profitablity - Competion, value-added - Client segments PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT - Quality - Labelling - Packaging TARGETS - Inventory of ideas, double-team mapping in villages - Business ideas by brainstorming - Creating business skills by training modules for local business advisors / entrepreneurs itself - Assesment of existing business, problems, strategies CHANNELS - Sales - Distribution - Export? GROWING NEW BUSINESS for women / villages - Creating new enterprises - Supporting growing business