Materials paper metal plastic wood fabric Downsell Primary Dhipa Begum spanner sleeping bag card paddling pool desk Downsell Primary Dhipa Begum
Which of these things are made of wood? bookshelf desk ladder Which of these things are made of wood? pencils radiator invitation rucksack table walkman nails
These things are made of wood. pencils bird table chest of drawers shed table desk bookshelf wardrobe ladder
Which of these things are made of metal? chest of drawers saucepan spanner box letter key toy car medal sleeping bag tap
These things are made of metal. radiator medal spanner nails tap saucepan frying pan tin key These things are made of metal.
Which of these things are made of fabric? pencils trouser jumper flag teddy toy bricks newspaper hat kettle tin
These things are made of fabric. rucksack teddy flag pyjamas sleeping bag jumper T-shirt trouser hat These things are made of fabric.
Which of these things are made of paper? book card radiator magazine trouser envelope calendar pyjamas kitchen bin ladder
These things are made of paper. box calendar newspaper magazine letter envelope invitation card These things are made of paper. book
Which of these things are made of plastic? watering can party bag walkman hat spanner book paddling pool dice bird table wardrobe
These things are made of plastic. toy car toy bricks party bag dice kettle walkman kitchen bin paddling pool watering can
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